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Item Geografiese aspekte van rekreasie en vryetydsbesteding in Bellville-Suid(University of the Western Cape, 1987) McPherson, Elsworth Adam; Taylor, VThe way in which people utilise their FREE TIME [that is time left after all commitments (social and physiological) have been met] forms the central theme of this study. An important aspect of this theme for the geographer is the interaction between supply and demand of recreational facilities, because determines the spatial location of facilities in urban areas. In the South African society certain factors which influence the normal interaction between supply and demand have developed which can be identified as problems. In this study the problems which exist regarding recreation and the use of free time are examined with specific reference to the people living in Bellville South, a "Coloured" Group Area on the Cape Flats. Data for the study was collected with the air of a structured questionnaire and thereafter statistically analysed with the intention of answering the following questions: What is the nature and extent of the use of free time during the day, over weekends and during vacations of the inhabitants of Bellville South? How does the politico-economic structure influence the supply of facilities for recreation in Bellville South? What is the influence of the politico-economic structure on the demand for facilities (the recreational behaviour) for the inhabitants of Bellville South? The data which had been collected with the aid of questionnaire, was further supplemented with personal interviews. In order to answer the above questions satisfactorily, recreation resource base in Bellville South was looked firstly. The local supply was measured according to national and international norms based on information obtained from the relevant literature. An attempt was made secondly to determine the demand for recreation generated by the community. It was evident from the literature that the socio-economic level of communities played a vital role in the determination of the extent of their demand. By examining certain socio-economic parameters, it was found that the community of Bellville South consisted mostly of people from the working-class. Subsequently the factors which have an influence on the recreational behaviour of the respondents during the day, weekend and vacation time-periods, were examined. It was found that, as one can expect from a predominantly working class community, recreation was mostly directed at the home environment during all three time-periods. This can be explained by referring to the constitutional constraints (Group Areas Act, Separate Amenities Act), socio-economic constraints and the inadequate recreational facilities in the study area. The interaction between demand and supply within the prevailing politico-economic structures was subsequently examined. The correlation between demographic and socio-economic variables and recreational activities was examined with the aid of crosstabulations. The resulting spatial pattern of the recreational behaviour of the respondents was analysed cartographically. By examining the latent and potential demand for recreational facilities it was found that there are very real needs in the study area. Lastly, recommendations were made with a view of alleviating the problems which have been identified. It was felt that immediate attention should be paid to shortcomings in the supply and maintenance of recreational facilities in Bellville South, while the political problems which make a meaningful utilisation of recreational facilities by everybody in South Africa impossible at the moment, should also be removed.Item Geografiese aspekte van rekreasie en vryetydsbesteding in Bellville-Suid(University of the Western Cape, 1987) McPherson, Elsworth Adam; Taylor, VDie wyse waarop mense hul VRYETYD [dit is tyd wat oorbly nadat alle verpligtinge (sosiaal en fisiologies) nagekom is) bestee, vorm die sentrale tema van hierdie studie. On Belangrike aspek van hierdie tema vir die geograaf is die wisselwerking wat daar bestaan tussen die aanbod en aanvraag na rekreasiefasiliteite, omdat dit meerendeels die ruimtelike plasing van fasiliteite (in stedelike gebiede) bepaal. In die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing het daar sekere faktore ontwikkel wat die normale wisselwerking ten opsigte van rekreasie be�nvloed het, en gevolglik as probleme geidentifiseer kan word. I~ hierdie studie word die probleme wat daar bestaan ten opsigte van rekreasie en vryetydsbesteding ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die inwoners van Bellville-Suid, On "Bruin" Groepsgebied op die Kaapse Vlakte. Data vir die studie is met behulp van gestruktureerde ontleed met die vraelyste ingesamel en daarna statisties oog op beantwoording van die volgende vrae: Wat is die aard en omvang van vryetydsbesteding gedurende die dag, oor naweke en vakansies van die inwoners van Bellville-Suid? Hoe beinvloed die politiek-ekonomiese strukture die aanbod van fasiliteite (die rekreasiemilieu) in Bellville-Suid? Wat is die invloed van die politiek-ekonomiese strukture op die aanvraag na fasiliteite (die rekreasiegedrag) van die inwoners van Bellville-Suid? Die data wat met behulp van die vraelyste ingesamel is, is verder aangevul deur persoonlike onderhoude. Ten einde bestaande vrae te beantwoord, is daar eerstens gekyk na die rekreasiehulpbronbasis in Bellville-Suid. Die aanbod ter plaatse is gemeet aan nasionale en internasionale standaarde wat gebaseer is op gegewens uit die relevante literatuur.Item The colonisation of the Geographical mind: A critical contextual analysis of the institutionalisation and establishment of Geography as an academic discipline in South Africa(University of Western Cape, 1992) Wesso, Harold Moses; van Zyl, J .A .; le Roux, ?Petrus; Groenewald, CThe history of geography is much more than the mere listing of the names and publications of great geographers, identifying different research traditions, or searching for paradigms. The history of geography ought to be seen within the context of the society of which it is an integral part.Item Church and rural development: A geographical analysis of Elim(University of the Western Cape, 1992) Engel, Brian Patrick; Redlinghuis, A.C.The pivotal role of the Moravian Church in development in Elim, a mission station situated approximately 170 kilometres southeast of Cape Town, is the central theme of this geographical analysis. The broader debate around Church and rural development serves as a background for this analysis. It is the contention of this thesis that the distinctiveness in the administrative structure of Elim had and will continue to have a profound influence on the development of the settlement. The theory of State, with specific reference to the role of the State in social transformation, is used as a theoretical framework. Acknowledging the vastness of the broader theory of State this thesis focuses on the structure of the State and its capacity to intervene in development. Max Weber's contention of the importance of an efficient bureaucratic structure is used as analytical tool. People are deemed as central to the continuous process of development. The empirical study undertaken expresses the perceptions of the people involved with development in Elim. Both quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative methods (structured interviews) were used to obtain the relevant data, thus overcoming their respective limitations. The socio-economic context in EIim serves as the background against which the bureaucratic structure operates. This bureaucratic structure distinguishes two levels of government. These are the local government in Eiim and the central government of the Moravian Church in Southern Africa respectively. The inter-relationship between these levels of government is explored Given the theoretical framework within which this study was undertaken, a restructuring of the bureaucratic structure is deemed as the core around which transformation and development in EIim must be undertaken. This should in turn enhance the socio-economic development of the settlement. The question of a reform of land use on the local level is of great importance to future development in Elim. Finally, participation by the people remains the core around which development in Elim should revolve.Item Die sosio-ekonomiese implikasies van seisoenarbeid in Ceres: �n geografiese perspektief(University of the Western Cape, 1994) Brown, Sarel William Immanuel; Redlinghuis, A.C.Ceres, soos taIle ander plaEE,elandse dorpe, beleef 'n sigbare chroniese armoedeEoesE,and. Dit is die prim6re oogmerk van hierdie navorsingsprojek om te bepaal wat die kousale verband tussen seisoenarbeid en 'n armoedebestaan is. Spesifieke aandag word geskenk aan die ekonomiese bestaan van seisoenwerkers gedurende die werk- en afseisoen en word dit, t,elkens geplaas binne die konteks van die huishouding. OmdaE huishoudings gedurende die afseisoen gekenmerk word deur 'n verlaagde inkomste en werkloosheid, hou dit verreikende implikasies in vir die ekonomiese bestaan vir sodanige huishoudings. Dit is in hierdie konteks dat die navorsingsprojek gelei word deur die sentrale Eesis dat seisoenarbeid' n armoedebesEaan perpetueer. Die navorsingsprojek word binne 'n politiek-ekonomiese raamwerk geplaas. Hierdie holist,iese raamwerk word as ideaal beskou om die voortgeset,t,e en st,eeds groeiende seisoenarbeidsmag te verklaar, asook die nodige insigte verleen ten opsigte van die perpetuering van armoede in Ceres. Alhoewel die studie binne die veld van ekonomiese geografie vaI, het dit 'n sterk sosiaal geografiese dimensie. Wat die navorsingsmetodologie betref, is van beide kwantitatiewe en,iewe tegnieke gebruik gemaak deurdae ,n gestrukt,ureerde vraelysopname opgevolg is met, onderhoude. Die navorsingspopulasie sluit. slegs fabriekwerkers in van Ceres-dorp, fokus dus nie op seisoenwerkers en trekarbeiders in die primore sektor en omliggende landelike gebiede nie. Die volgende is van die belangrikste bevindinge wat, uit die navorsing na vore gekom het: (i) Die daarstetling van 'n reserwe-goedkoop, ongeskoolde arbeidsmag moet in die lig van dieperliggende politiekekonomiese sErrrkEure gesien word; (ii) gegee die reprodusering van 'n seisoenarbeidsmag en beperkte ekonomiese basis, is seisoenarbeid die enigste uitweg vir die werkersklasgemeenskap van Ceres; (iii) in die meeste gevalle word die seisoeninkomste aangewend om in die basiese behoeftes van huishoudings te voorsien en lei dit nie tot materiele vooruitgang nie; (iv) omdat kapitaal nie geakkumuleer word in die seisoentyd nie, verdiep die armoedebesEaan in die afseisoen sodaE die meeste seisoenwerkers in 'n skuldsiklus beland; (v) die seisoenwerkers is in staat om die afseisoen te oorleef omdat hy/sy funksioneer binne die netwerk van die uitgebreide gesin.Item Facilitating the Cape's metropolitan spatial development framework by using Gis to investigate vacant land(University of Western Cape, 1998) Tuck, Jeremy Dean; McPherson, E.A.; Myburgh, D.W.The trend in metropolitan planning is to provide overarching objectives for development, leaving detailed interpretation at the local level. The unspecific nature of these guidelines, however, coupled by the parochial interests of constituent local municipalities, can result in development that is unfavourable in terms of the metropolitan vision. The aim of this research was to consider a more detailed basis according to which the metropolitan plan for the Cape Metropolitan Area, the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework (MSDF), could possibly be promoted. The approach was to focus on vacant land since this will be the target of future development.Item A geographical analysis of the energy needs, development and the system of prepayment electrification in two low-income communities of the Cape Metropole(University of Western Cape, 1999) Redelinghuys, Chris; Le Roux, PetrusThe aim ofthis study is to analyse the interrelationships among domestic energy needs, the system of prepayment electrification and development as manifested in two lowincome communities of the Cape Metropole, namely Wallacedene and Delft. The study highlights the various dimensions of the following problem: Technological applications such as prepayment systems of electrification (whereby payment precedes the supply of electricity to users) can be rendered ineffective if it is not compatible with all the conditions that shape the livelihoods of its target groupsItem Informal housing and squatting on the Cape Flats: a comparative analysis of four areas(University of the Western Cape, 2000) Viljoen, Gallian Ann; Myburgh, Dave; Gillfellan, Calvyn; McPherson, ElsworthThe housing conditions of four surveyed areas namely Uitsig, Bishop Lavis, Jakkalsvlei and Crossroads, situated on the Cape Flats is the main thrust of the dissertation. It is a comparative analysis between two "coloured" residential area's, namely Bishop Lavis and Uitsig and "black" squatter settlement's Crossroads and Jakkalsvlei. lt investigates the struggle to eradicate homelessness by means of informal housing and squatting Through scientific investigative research, interviews, data and statistical analysis, this dissertation falls within the sphere of urban geography. Although informal settlements have been part of the metropolitan area of Cape Town for several decades, the period since 1990 saw the mushrooming of informal settlements and the emergence of backyard squatting in "coloured" areas squatting on the periphery of "black" townships. The dissertation address issues associated with informal settlements such as health and disease within these settlements, access to clean water and refuse removal, environment conditions, physical structure in and around informal settlements, recreational facilities and the role of the Reconstruction and Development Programme(RDP). ln eight chapters, the study outlines the quest of informal dwellers to eradicate homelessness by means of backyard squatting and informal settlements. Though no longer regarded as an urban "problem", communities and the local authorities within these areas are hard at work in finding ways to improve living conditions within informal settlements, by turning shacks into decent and liveable homes in the new millennium.Item �n Geografiese ondersoek na die potensiaal van die informele sektor as werkverskaffer: 'n gevallestudie van Paarl(University of Western Cape, 2000) Smith, Rufane; McPherson, E. A.Die knaende vraag na werksgeleenthede in Suid-Afrika, maar ook in Paarl hou verband met die feit dat daar 'n relatief groot surplusbevolking bestaan, wat tydens die periode van kapitaalakkumulasie in Suid(elike) Afrika nie volkome in produksie geabsorbeer kon word nie. Die wortels van hierdie situasie l� gebed in die dinamika van periferale kapitalisme, maar dit reflekteer ook gedeeltelik sekere dimensies van die patroon van rasse-strukturering wat kapitalistiese ontwikkeling in die sub-kontinent gevolg het. Die chroniese probleem van strukturele werkloosheid en armoede kan dus geplaas word teen die implikasies van die bestaande patrone van arbeidsurplus in Suid(elike) Afrika. Volgens die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Instituut vir Toekomsnavorsing (Koch, 1991) was 4,3 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners in 1985 �f tydelik in diens, �f werkloos. Dit is vanselfsprekend dat die situasie net sou verger, want die steeds groeiende bevolking van Suid-Afrika impakteer ook op die probleem van werkloosheid en armoede. Ekonome is ook van mening dat die ontwikkeling van kleinsake-aktiwiteit en entrepreneurskap kan lei tot ekonomiese groei, en dat die probleem van werkloosheid hierdeur aangespreek kan word. Die geweldige groei van kleinsake- aktiwiteit - in 1994 was 1,574 miljoen mense reeds ekonomies aktief in die informele sektor (CSS, 1995:41) - gee 'n aanduiding van die rol van die informele sektor tot ekonomiese groei. Gegee dat die sektor nie veel formele opvoedkundige opleiding vra nie, en dat die besigheid gewoonlik deur die familie/gesin besit word, bestaan die persepsie dat betrokkenheid in informele ekonomiese aktiwiteite 'n "kommervrye", maartog 'n ekonomies-winsgewende besigheid is.Item 'n Sosio - ekonomiese impak-studie van watervoorsienigstekort in die landelieke gebiede van Namakwaland(University of Western Cape, 2000) Solomons, Millicent Lynette; Taylor, VWater is an indispensable source of life - it should not only be regarded as a social good, but also as a valuable economic resource. Since two thirds of South Africa are highly dependent on groundwater as a result of the lack of perennial rivers, it is essential that this resource be conserved and protected for the future at all costs. The value of groundwater is therefore thoroughly realised in the sparsely populated and semi-arid Namaqualand. The main objective of this study was to make a survey of the availability and the quality of groundwater in the rural areas of this region, so that ultimately, a consumption strategy could be developed for the area. Since sanitation and factors associated with it cannot be separated from the water provision problems in the selected areas, it also formed part of the study. Aspects like the availability of water and sanitation facilities were scrutinised and strongly linked to social aspects around groundwater consumption and health conditions. Two small towns were used as case studies, namely Paulshoek in the Leliefontein rural area and Bulletrap in the Steinkopf area. These towns have a lack of both physical and social infrastructure, while the area as a whole is characterised by poverty. The region is inhabited by culturally homogeneous groups of people with one language and faith, who also share very similar historical backgrounds.Item Neoliberalism, regime rurvival, and the environment: economic reform and agricultural transformation in Zimbabwe in the 1990s(Taylor & Francis, 2001) Logan, B. Ikubolajeh; Tevera, DanielEconomic reform in Zimbabwe under the auspices of the Bank World Bank and IMF began in 1991. The first phase of program, called structural economic adjustment program (ESAP ) lasted from 1991 to 1996. The second phase, the Transformation Agenda social and economic development of Zimbabwe (ZIMPREST) should go until at least 2002. Much of the debate about the performance of reform in Zimbabwe revolves around three main actors: Government of Zimbabwe ( GOZ ) , international financial institutions (IFIs) and the environment, particularly droughts 1991-92. This paper contributes to a broader discussion on the reform Economic Zimbabwe in three ways : first, by describing the outline of its economy, chronologically and structurally politically , the second , by assessing its impact on production agricultural , and the third , evaluating its impact on security food of a neglected set of actors, the urban poor . The article concludes that agricultural reform failed to reallocate productive resources , to reorganize the spatial distribution of production and increase access various social classes to food. Moreover, this failure can be attributed to a combination of factors including the post- colonial political economy dynamics orchestrated by ZANU (PF) is not reduced. [Note: translated from French]Item The role of health in the motivation to visit mineral spa resorts in the Western Cape(University of the Western Cape, 2001) Boekstein, Mark Simon; McPherson, ElsworthThis research sets out to examine the role of health in the motivation to visit the mineral spa resorts of the Western Cape. It also examines motivation not related to health, and the extent to which these resorts are being used as bases for visiting surrounding attractions. Internationally, especially in Europe and North America, the mineral spa market is undergoing rapid and significant changes. Traditional forms of mineral spa tourism, where the emphasis was on medical treatments, is changing to 'health tourism', with a growing demand for health and beauty treatments, as well as fitness and wellness programmes, in relaxing leisure environments. Using a combination of factor analysis and cluster analysis, the respondents are divided into five segments, each of which consists of spa visitors with similar motivations. These segments form the basis for ascertaining the motivations and preferences of visitors to mineral spa resorts in the Western Cape, including the role of health as a motivation. It is established that health does indeed play a major part in the motivation to visit the mineral spa resorts of the Western Cape, and that other important motivations include swimming in hot water, good accommodation and clean surroundings, and a safe and secure environment. Being able to use mineral spa resorts as bases for visiting surrounding attractions is not particularly important to visitors. Finally, recommendations are made for the development of a Western Cape mineral spa tourism product that would build upon the health-consciousness of the domestic market, while also catering for the growing international 'health tourism' market.Item The Role of Health in the Motivation to Visit Mineral Spa Resorts in the Western Cape(University of the Western Cape, 2001) Boekstein, Mark Simon; Lado, CleophasThis research sets out to examine the role of health in the motivation to visit the mineral spa resorts of the Western Cape. It also examines motivation not related to health, and the extent to which these resorts are being used as bases for visiting surrounding attractions. Internationally, especially in Europe and North America, the mineral spa market is undergoing rapid and significant changes. Traditional forms of mineral spa tourism, where the emphasis was on medical treatments, is changing to 'health tourism', with a growing demand for health and beauty treatments, as well as fitness and wellness programmes, in relaxing leisure environments. Using a combination of factor analysis and cluster analysis, the respondents are divided into five segments, each of which consists of spa visitors with similar motivations. These segments form the basis for ascertaining the motivations and preferences of visitors to mineral spa resorts in the Western Cape, including the role of health as a motivation. It is established that health does indeed play a major part in the motivation to visit the mineral spa resorts of the Western Cape, and that other important motivations include swimming in hot water, good accommodation and clean surroundings, and a safe and secure environment. Being able to use mineral spa resorts as bases for visiting surrounding attractions is not particularly important to visitors. Finally, recommendations are made for the development of a Western Cape mineral spa tourism product that would build upon the health-consciousness of the domestic market, while also catering for the growing international 'health tourism' market.Item The Development of Higher-Density Low-income Housing ln The Cape Metropolitan Area: A Case Study of Philippi East(University of the Western Cape, 2002) Willoughby, Selwyn Walter; McPherson, E ACape Town, like other South African cities, experiences phenomenal population growth as a result of natural increase, rural-urban and intra-urban migration. The population growth is exceeding the ability of all spheres of government to provide adequate housing. ln an attempt to rapidly respond to this crisis, subsidies are provided to qualifying beneficiaries to build free-standing dwellings. Simultaneously the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework (MSDF) proposes a vision of an integrated functional city by prosing to increase residential densities in areas with the potential to improve the quality of life of the populations. The current low-income housing delivery programme is thus conflicting with the vision of the MSDF. The aim of this research is to assess the feasibility, and to identify enabling mechanisms of building low-rise, higher-density low-income residential dwellings in Philippi East, a developing metropolitan node. Philippi East is the only node in the metropolitan area that is underdeveloped and located centrally within the poorest section of Cape Town. There are various concerns relating to housing within this area, however, the research focuses on three inter-related areas of concern, namely, access to appropriate urban land, appropriate housing density and access to finance. Central to the research is the identification of vacant land and the classification of the identified land in terms of its strategic value. The identification of strategic land determines the type of density that is appropriate and this in turn will establish the financial parameters for such a project. The research has found that in Philippi East, most of the appropriate land for higher-density low-income land is privately owned, and that current legalisation is focused on accelerating the release of publicly owned land. Thus, the legalisation will have little effect on the study area, where land is urgently needed for housing. Non Legislative measures have been identified as alternative mechanisms to secure private land for housing. Philippi East as a study area, is strategic in terms of the MSDF criteria, and therefore its residential densities could be developed to maximum recommendations. However, the contextual situating does not allow for high-rise developments, but rather a low-rise higher-density built form with a net dwelling density of approximately 100 d/ha. The research concludes that the short-term benefit of the subsidy is not complimenting the long term vision of the city, i.e. the subsidy amount by itself allows for the construction of a small freestanding dwellings that is perpetuating sprawl within Philippi East. To construct low-rise higher-density dwellings larger than the current 10mz freestanding dwelling, additional finance is required. The research identifies that all spheres of government must play a pivotal role in mobilising additional public and private funding to ensure that the metropolitan node develops as intended by the city vision.Item The environmental health impacts associated with flooding and pollution of Riverine environments: A case study of the Kuils and Eerste river(University of the Western Cape, 2003) Hendricks, Yumna; Taylor, VThe aim of this study was to analyse the interrelationship among hazardous environmental exposures - namely flooding and pollution of the Kuils and Eerste Rivers, and the potential health risks to the natural setting and people, alike. Today, hazards related to exposures within the environment are gaining increased attention. The realisation that human development and structural expansion impacts negatively on the natural setting, has led to the concept of 'environmental health.' Populations of differing standards of living have experienced hazards in varying dimensions. As illustrated by the three communities investigated in the study, it was primarily the disadvantaged socio-economic profiles which suggested that residents were exposed to wide-ranging and occasionally severe threats to health emanating from local environmental exposures. The environmental health impacts under scrutiny highlighted one of South Africa's scarce and endangered natural resources - urban river systems. The rivers are predominantly small by world standards; however, this does not exempt them from the peril of flooding. Human habitation and urban sprawl impact further on the state of inland water bodies by developing in flood-prone regions. Such activity acts as a stimulus for the augmentation of water pollution. Sadly, although expansive documentation exists regarding the risks inherently associated with both flooding and pollution, individuals tend to display dispositions of disregard. The study revealed that although the majority have displayed interest in potential environmental health hazard, they were not likely to implement habits which prevent this. The results exemplify that the prevalence of flooding and pollution are frequently viewed in isolation of each other. In the study area this was evidently infeasible to do, as surveys and visual observation proved that habitually, one environmental exposure impacts upon, and even worsens the other. The primary goal of the research was to detect a correlation between the quality of river water, the frequency of flooding, and the prevailing health indices of the investigated communities. The outcome suggested that although the association detected amongst the variables was small (14 o ), numerous elements in the environment exist which levitate the risk of disease and structural destruction experienced, as a result of flood hazard and river contamination. The study concludes that if environmental health benefits are to be optimised, then it is connoted that community planning and upgrading efforts - particularly in informal settlements, acquires holistic approaches and integrated input from a wide range of sectors as well as community compliance. Therefore, health impacts emanating from risks associated with the river body should be restrained by activities and behaviours of the communities themselves. Moreover, controlling negative impacts should also be a key initiative in the operation of municipal bodies.Item Socio-economic aspects of the sustainable harvesting of buchu (Agathosma Betulina) with particular emphasis on the Elandskloof community(University of the Western Cape, 2005) Williams, Samantha; Kepe, Thembela; Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies; Faculty of ArtsThe aim of this thesis is to explore the socio-economic factors that impact on the sustainable harvesting of buchu in the Western Cape of South Africa. Some of the factors that will be explored include poverty, natural resource tenure, legislation, and local practices with regard to the harvesting of buchu. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, which include documenting different local livelihoods, establishing the roles played by the harvesting of wild buchu within these livelihoods, and analyzing perceptions of different stakeholders regarding sustainable harvesting of buchu, the study employed two approaches. The first was a review of the literature, and the second, empirical research in the form of a case study (the communal land owners of Elandskloof, Western Cape) was utilized. Agathosma betulina, one type of buchu and cited as the best type of buchu, has gained popularity as there is a demand for plant material both locally and internationally. This demand has created some concerns for wild populations of buchu as much of the industry is still supplied by populations harvested from the wild. Cultivation of buchu has emerged as a possible pressure lifter to the wild populations, as a poverty reduction strategy (as rural people are also cultivating), and as a way to provide for some of the demand experienced in the market. The buchu industry is a very lucrative one and, therefore, many problems are being identified and experienced. Noting this, the study makes two broad arguments. Firstly, even though the buchu trade is dynamic and fraught with many difficulties, it is a trade that can benefit all stakeholders and, consequently, there is a need for new legislation or a review of the current legislation guiding the industry. Better monitoring and evaluating processes, as well as information and communication platforms where stakeholders can interact, prove important. Hence, this should include the participation from stakeholders at all levels. Secondly, in order to establish effective policy guidelines, an understanding of the social dynamics that influences buchu harvesting is important for the resource sustainability as well as the trade.Item Mandume ya Ndemufayo's memorials in Namibia and Angola(University of the Western Cape, 2005) Shiweda, Napandulwe Tulyovapika; Hayes, Patricia; Dept. of History; Faculty of ArtsMandume has fought two colonial powers, Portugal and British-South Africa from the time he became king in 1911 to 1917. This thesis looked at the different ways in which Manume is remembered in Namibia and Angola after these countries had gained their independence from colonialism. His bravery in fighting the colonizers has awarded him hero status and he is considered a nationalist hero in both Namibia and Angola. However, he is memorialized differently in Namibia and Angola. The process of emembering Mandume in different ways is related to where his body and head are buried respectively. This is because there is a belief that his body was beheaded, and his head was buried in Windhoek while the rest of his body is buried in Angola. The monument that is alleged to host his head is claimed to belong to him to this day. However, this monument was erected for the fallen South African troops who died fighting him. The author argued that this belief was in response to the need to reclaim a monumental space to commemorate Mandume in the capital city.Item Indigenous knowledge and vegetation utilisation in Khayelitsha, Cape Town(University of the Western Cape, 2005) Simelane, Bhekithemba Doctor; Pirie, Gordon; Faculty of ArtsThe aim of this study was to investigate indigenous knowledge of vegetation resource utilisation, in particular the use of traditional medicinal plants in the provision of health care in the community of Khayelitsha and to determine traditional resource management approaches.Item 'Africanisation' of South Africa's international air links, 1994-2003(Elsevier, 2006) Pirie, GordonIn the first decade of democratic rule in South Africa scheduled commercial passenger flights across the country�s borders more than doubled. Additional flights served new African air passenger markets and secondary airports in established markets. Overseas flights increased more slowly, serving a diminishing number of overseas countries and cities. In 1994 the Republic was linked directly by air with more overseas than African countries and cities; within a decade the pattern reversed. The changing geography of South Africa�s international air links reflects developments in the international airline industry, and South Africa�s increasingly prominent political and commercial role in Africa.Item A comparative study of municipal waste disposal practices and management in the Breede River District Council and the Cape Metropolitan Area(University of the Western Cape, 2006) Frantz, Amanda; Pirie, Gordon; Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies; Faculty of ArtsSolid waste management is a phenomenon that has been researched for many years. With the development of industries and commerce, waste inputs into waste management programs are crucial, since these are the sectors responsible for the generation of waste and thus the inputs are invaluable when programs are formulated. In order to develop effective waste management strategies, it is important to identify the source of waste generation and the processes that must be followed to minimize waste. The objective of this research was to follow waste from generation to ultimate disposal and to case study why and how differences in waste disposal practices occur in the Breede River District (BRD) and the Cape Metropolitan Area (CMA).