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Item Diversity and cultural pluralism with regard to globalization and the universality of the message of Islam: A study on the fundamentals of discourse in a diverse and multiplex world(University of the Western Cape, 2022) Sheta, Ahmed Moustafa Mohamed; Saidi, MustaphaGlobalization refers to the process of changing the world into a monolithic system for all who live in it and integrating peoples' economic, social, and intellectual activities regardless of religion, culture, nationality, or ethnicity. The challenge of globalization stems from the perspective that it is in opposition to the realities of plurality and diversity that humankind demonstrates. Races, civilizations, faiths, and passions differ, and it is impossible to remove all the inequalities and distinctions that create the image of human life at any given time. If history cannot be reduced to a single shape, culture, or language, what is the need to reduce the world's diversity to a single style, and what may explain such a trend or theory?Item A critical analysis of the influence of culture and gender on isiXhosa literature(University of the Western Cape, 2022) Fanishe, Nomvuyiso; Mletshe, LoyisoThe study aims to acquire additional information or earn an improved thoughtful of the prominence of evaluating the influence of culture and gender on isiXhosa literature. The intention is to scrutinize the impression of culture and gender demonstration in literature. Furthermore, to have a detailed indulgence of elements of literature on how the study is constructed. this study anticipates evaluating the supremacy of Xhosa culture and gender in literature. The study is accompanied by the aim and vision of learning and acquiring an understanding of the inspiration of literature in culture by seeing a few mentioned literary texts.Item A Grammar of Baca and its relation to Swazi, Zulu and Xhosa(University of the Western Cape, 1942) Hallowes, D.P; Dlamini, GeorgeThe material for this work is based" on field work conducted during three. weeks in February and two weeks in September, 1941. Both periods were spent at Lourdes in East Griqualand, a place well suited for a place well suited for the purpose, being the centre of an area inhabited by the Baca people. The only other important area is round Mount Frere. I am indebted to Reverend Father Jakob for his assistance at Lourdes, to Mr L, I. Venable s and Mr. J. A. Campbell, both of the Johannesburg Municipal Native Affairs Department, for their courtesy in placing Baca speakers at my disposal, to Mr. l. A.H Mulcahy of the Main Pass Office , and Mr. A. G. T. Chaplin of the Swaziland. Government office, for their kind assistance in relation to Swazi, and. to the Inter-University Committee for African Studies for a grant for carrying out the necessary field workItem The preludes of Chopin(University of the Western Cape, 1996) Hardneck, Charllynne Lyndene; Correia, E.The essential feature of the prelude is to attract the listener's attention and define the pitch, mode or tonality. This can be the reason why preludes are often written in a selection of 24 maior tonalities. As one of the central features of a prelude is to define the pitch or key of a piece, Chopin's preludes Opus 28 move through a logical tonal sequence of major and minor keys. Chopin did not invent this principle. J.N. Hummel had published a set of 24 preludes in major and minor keys in Opus 67,in the year 1814. It is believed that these works of Hummel influenced Chopin when he later wrote his set of 24 preludes, Opus 28 fi 836-1839). ln his music, Hummel was fond of homophonic textures with Italian melodies. He also used virtuoso passages in his right handparts, while the left hand would play Alberti accompaniments. Hummel also made frequent use of third-relationships, secondary and tertiary dominants and chromatic passing notes. These traits can also be seen in Chopin's Opus 28.Item The common link theory in hadith: A comparison between orientalists and Muslim scholars(University of the Western Cape, 2022) Abdullah, Yaqub Yusuf; Mohamed, YasienJoseph Schacht�s (d. 1969) Common-link Theory, together with its generalized conclusions, is a key theoretical framework used by most Western and some modern Muslim scholars of Islamic history. The theory proposes that a figure sitting as a common link in the chain of transmitters (isn?d) is the one responsible for forging the names from him to the Prophet. In addition, the common link is responsible for bringing the particular hadith text (matn) and its isn?d into existence. Thus, names prior to the common link until the Prophet are all fictitious. Muslim hadith critics as far back as the second century of Islam acknowledged the existence of common links in the isn?d; however, their attitude towards it and their conclusion concerning it differed from Western hadith scholars� interpretations.Item n Evaluering van onderwysmetodes in musiekteoretiese vakke en gehoorontwikkeling(University of the Western Cape, 1991) Lochner, Maria Magdalena; van der Merwe, E.Praktiese ondervinding van die onderrig van Musiek op skoolvlak het getoon dat Musiekteoretiese vakke en Gehoorontwikkeling nie voldoende gestrukrureerd en gebaseer op wetenskaplik gefundeerde onderrigmetodes aangebied word nie. 'n Gebrek aan integrasie tussen Gehoorontwikkeling en die Musiekteoretiese vakke word vermoed. Innerlike gehoor is noodsaaklik is vir die musikus, maar bly grootliks onderontwikkel. Hierdie studie konsentreer op die integrasie wat nodig is tussen die Musiekteoretiese vakke en Gehoorontwikkeling, en toets empiries die mening van musiekstudente by wyse van 'n vraelys en di� van musiekdosente by wyse onderhoude. Die ondersoek spreek die algemene metodes aan waardeur die betrokke vakke onderrig word, asook die probleme wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Die musiekstudent se mening omtrent sy tersi�re musiekopleiding word gevra. Daar is bevind dat die twee disciplines nie doelmatig ge�ntegree aangebied word nie en voorstelle om die situasie te verbeter, word gemaak ..Item Mas?lik al-?illah in the convention of qiy?s: An investigation of its foundations and contemporary Application(University of Western Cape, 2021) Chellan, Waleed; Mohamed, YasienThis study examines the foundations of the various methods of identifying legal cause (mas?lik al-?illah). It studies its various theories, spanning the classical and premodern period and investigates its application in contemporary times. The investigation analyses the theories of mas?lik al-?illah while placing the legal cause (?illah) contextually within the convention of analogical reasoning (qiy?s). The findings of this investigation are then used to study practical applications of identifying legal cause, in a selection of three case constructions of qiyas, under the topic of suicide attacks.Item Taalbeplanning vir veeltaligheid: 'n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief(University of Western Cape, 1994) Van Louw, Christa Leonie; van de Rheede, IDie teoretiese tradisie aan die basis van die navorsingstuk is di� van die sosiolinguistiese teorie. Eksponente van hierdie teorie, maak benewens die linguistiese ook bemoeienis met die sosiale dimensie van taal. In aansluiting by Rubin & Jemudd (1971: xiv) wat argumenteer dat taalbeplanning deel van sosiale verandering is en daarom onderhewig is aan re�ls van hierdie tipe verandering, kan taalbeplanning nie in isolasie geskied met sosiale beplanning nie. Hierdie studie is 'n ondersoek na die wyse waarop veeltaligheid hanteer word. In hierdie verband word ingegaan op die rol van buitelinguistiese faktore in die taalbeplanningsprosesse. Vanuit 'n sosiolinguistiese perspektief word taalbeplanning noodwendig be�nvloed deur bre�r sosiale faktore soos ekonomiese, sosiale, politieke, demografiese en psigologiese. Hierdie studie ondersoek die rol van nasionalisme, meer spesifiek Afrikaner-nasionalisme, in die hantering van die veeltalige karakter van Suid-Afrika. Daarbenewens word 'n oorsig gebied van die wyse waarop enkele Afrikalande met onafhanklikheid hul veeltaligheid hanteer het. Daar word veral gefokusseer op die rol van kolonialisme asook op welke wyse die bre�r politieke strewe In die lig van die voorafgaande word 'n kritiese analise gegee van die voorgestelde taalbeleid vir 'n veranderde Suid-Afrika.Item 'n Oorsig van fonologiese ontwikkeling by kinders(University of Western Cape, 1994) Roux, Cheryl; Van der Walt, M.J.Daar is 'n toenemende belangstelling in die rol wat die linguistiek speel ten opsigte van die hantering van taalgebreke by kinders. Hierdie verskynsel kan gedeeltelik aan twee ontwikkelings in die linguistiek toegeskryf word, nl. (a) die bekendmaking van 'n transformasionele grammatika soos vervat in Noam Chomsky se Syntactic Structures in 1957 en (b) die feit dat transformasionele grammatici beklemtoon dat 'n linguistiese teorie moet kan verklaar hoe kinders taalstrukture verwerf. Dit het tot 'n hernieude belangstelling in taalverwerwing aanleiding gegee. Volgens Ingram (1976:6) kan linguiste 'n bydrae t.o.v. ten minste vyf aspekte lewer: (a) 'n boek t.o.v. algemene fonologiese aspekte moet saamgestel word; (b) 'n omvattende boek ten opsigte van die wyse waarop normale kinders die fonologie van hulle taal verwerf, moet saamgestel word; (c) 'n versameling tegnieke t.o.v. die verkryging en ontleding van kindertaal moet ontwikkel word; (d) 'n boek wat die aard van fonologiese afwykings in kinders beskryf, moet saamgestel word; (e) 'n versameling terapeutiese riglyne vir die behandeling van fonologiese afwykings moet ontwikkel word. Wanneer ons gekonfronteer word met kinders wat aan die een of ander taalgebrek ly, ontstaan daar onmiddellik die behoefte om die kind se taalsisteem te beskryf. Die deskriptiewe metode wat gebruik word, moet effektief genoeg wees om die kind se eie re�lsisteem uit te beeld asook die kompleksiteit van die strukture wat verwerf is. Sommige linguiste glo dat die TGG die regte stap in hierdie rigting is.Item Semantiese verdeling as vertaalstrategie(University of Western Cape, 1993) Ross, Suzanne Lucille Anne; Links, T HIn die vertaalproses vind dikwels transformasies plaas wat soos volg omskryf word: die brontaalteks (BT), d.w.s. die teks waaruit vertaal word, word as't ware afgebreek tot semantiese elemente wat kleiner is as 'n bepaalde woord; di� elemente. word deur die vertaler weer op so 'n wyse saamgevoeg tot 'n doeltaalteks (OT), d.i. die teks waarin vertaal word, wat op die woordvlak nie meer met die BT-teks korrespondeer nie, maar wat in sy geheel tog min of meer dieselfde betekenis het (Langeveld: 96). Indien 'n vertaler nie van hierdie soort transformasies gebruik wil maak nie, loop hy gevaar om 'n vertaling te lewer waarin 'n mens nog grotendeels die oorspronklike teks lees. Die ander gevaar is voor die hand liggend: hy kan met di� soort semantiese verdeling 'n teks lewer wat afwyk van die boodskap van die BT-teks. Die doel van so 'n ondersoek sal dan wees om die voortreflikhede en die nadele van semantiese verdeling vas te stel.Item The concept of the Sufi Saintly Miracle: A Literary Approach(University of Western cape, 2020) Abdul Nabi, Saleh Ali; Saidi, Mustaphastudy analyses the concept of al-Kar?mah al-S?f?yah (the Sufi Saintly Miracle) in both its religious and literary dimensions. The researcher will shed more light on this genre of narrative literary phenomena by developing its definition and placing it in the social and historical context of the Sufi thought as a whole. Many communities in the Islamic world embrace and practice the Sufi doctrine and also believe in the ??f? Sheikhs� saintly miracles and its paranormal aspects, which they also consider to be parallel in its sacredness to the miracles of the Prophets. Furthermore, in this study the researcher will not only focus on the religious significance of the saintly miracle but also on their literary approach and aesthetic dimensions. In fact many of the contemporary Arab scholars and Litterateurs categorize this narrative discourse to fall under the cloak of al-Adab al-�aj?ib? (miraculous literature) due to the nature of its narrative style and structure from which it achieves its goals, such as: Myth � Legend � Superstition � Storytelling, etc. The study will be mainly qualitative. It is a content analysis study in the sense that the researcher will analyse the stylistic, formal and rhetorical techniques of the saintly miracles� discourse with specific reference to extracts taken from al- Sheikh al-Hassan al- Shadili and al-Sheikh Abdelssalam Bin Machich. The study will use an eclectic theoretical and conceptual framework which combines the historical approach with the reception theory.Item The study of Andalusian �Muwasha??t�: a literary and artistic approach"(University of the Western Cape, 2020) Balat, Samah Mohamed; Saidi, MustaphaThis thesis aims at presenting a comprehensive study, through which more will be learnt about the art of the Andalusian Muwasha??t. This is a study of their artistic structure, types, and poetic purposes. The art of the Muwasha??t was different in form and rhythm from the classic Arabic poem, because the Muwasha??t had multi meters and rhymes, and it relied on the musical rhythm. Besides, the poetic language of the Muwasha??t was based on both classical and vernacular Arabic. The Muwasha??t was invented by the Andalusian poets to keep pace with the musical development in Andalusia, the researcher will shed light on aesthetic methods, and the poetic styles that characterized the Muwasha??t as an innovative poetic art which had strong ties with the music and singing, and showing the impact of the Andalusian environment on the development of this art. The art of the Muwasha??t left a distinguished mark on the Arabic poetry and music, especially in the Maghreb and North Africa where a lot of musical schools and poets still pay a lot of attention to such type of that Andalusian art. The continuous interest in this art, until current days, strongly motivated the researcher to proceed with this study.Item The concept of the Sufi Saintly Miracle: A literary approach(University of the Western Cape, 2019) Nabi, Saleh Ali AbdulThis study analyses the concept of al-Kar?mah al-S?f?yah (the Sufi Saintly Miracle) in both its religious and literary dimensions. The researcher will shed more light on this genre of narrative literary phenomena by developing its definition and placing it in the social and historical context of the Sufi thought as a whole. Many communities in the Islamic world embrace and practice the Sufi doctrine and also believe in the ??f? Sheikhs� saintly miracles and its paranormal aspects, which they also consider to be parallel in its sacredness to the miracles of the Prophets. Furthermore, in this study the researcher will not only focus on the religious significance of the saintly miracle but also on their literary approach and aesthetic dimensions. In fact many of the contemporary Arab scholars and Litterateurs categorize this narrative discourse to fall under the cloak of al-Adab al-�aj?ib? (miraculous literature) due to the nature of its narrative style and structure from which it achieves its goals, such as: Myth � Legend � Superstition � Storytelling, etc. The study will be mainly qualitative. It is a content analysis study in the sense that the researcher will analyse the stylistic, formal and rhetorical techniques of the saintly miracles� discourse with specific reference to extracts taken from al- Sheikh al-Hassan al- Shadili and al-Sheikh Abdelssalam Bin Machich. The study will use an eclectic theoretical and conceptual framework which combines the historical approach with the reception theory,Item The female protagonist�s intersection with the African world of actuality in Beyala�s novel Tu T�appelleras Tanga(University of the Western Cape, 2018) Glaeser, Jessica; Assam, Blanche NyingoneIn order to overcome the silence that had been instilled by colonialism, several postcolonial female writers employ fiction to restore their local culture and reflect on their representation in historical writings. For female writers, literature often becomes a medium through which they can become active agents of their own destiny by establishing a voice for themselves. Writing becomes a means of reclaiming traditional discourses relating to women. The following study is primarily focused on Calixthe Beyala, a Franco-Cameroonian novelist, and specifically concentrates on the manner in which Beyala makes use of her female protagonist in Tu t�appelleras Tanga to portray the realities facing African Francophone females. The study aims at illustrating that the female protagonist plays a critical role in mirroring both the conditions of females in African societies and the conditions pertaining to Womanism in a universal context. Through the analysis of the role of the protagonist, the study reveals that there seems to be a relationship between fiction and society which is definite enough for fictional characters to be used as prototypes for social roles and attitudes. In order to further investigate the manner in which African actualities are able to exist in fictional narratives, the study draws an extensive comparison between the fictional narrative Tu t�appelleras Tanga and selected non-fictional Cameroonian laws dating from 1980 to 2017. By addressing the intentions of fictional narratives, the study reveals a possible association between Beyala�s fiction and the African world of actuality relative to the African females� predicament that is associated with patriarchal dominance, prostitution, the lack of agency as well as economic exploitation. To conclude, the paper maintains that Francophone African female novelists, and, in particular, Beyala, make use of fictional narratives to not only highlight the pivotal issues regarding the status of African women but also creates a voice for future female generations to become empowered through the act of narration.Item The female protagonist�s intersection with the African world of actuality in Beyala�s novel Tu t�appelleras Tanga(University of the Western Cape, 2019) Glaeser, Jessica; Assam, Blanche NyingoneIn order to overcome the silence that had been instilled by colonialism, several postcolonial female writers employ fiction to restore their local culture and reflect on their representation in historical writings. For female writers, literature often becomes a medium through which they can become active agents of their own destiny by establishing a voice for themselves. Writing becomes a means of reclaiming traditional discourses relating to women. The following study is primarily focused on Calixthe Beyala, a Franco-Cameroonian novelist, and specifically concentrates on the manner in which Beyala makes use of her female protagonist in Tu t�appelleras Tanga to portray the realities facing African Francophone females. The study aims at illustrating that the female protagonist plays a critical role in mirroring both the conditions of females in African societies and the conditions pertaining to Womanism in a universal context. Through the analysis of the role of the protagonist, the study reveals that there seems to be a relationship between fiction and society which is definite enough for fictional characters to be used as prototypes for social roles and attitudes.Item A translation, with critical introduction, of Shaykh al-`Al?w?�s al-Ris?lah al-Qawl al-Ma`R?f f? al-Radd `al? man Ankara al-Tasawwuf (a kind word in response to those who reject Sufism)(University of the Western Cape, 2019) Hendricks, Mogamat Mahgadien; Mohamed, YasienThe objective of this thesis is the translation of an original defence of Suf? practice titled al- Ris?lah al-Qawl al-Ma`r?f f? al-Radd `al? man Ankara al-Tasawwuf (A Kind Word in Response to those who Reject Sufism) by the Shaykh Ah?mad ibn Mu??af? al-`Al?w?. By translating this text it is hoped to affirm the principle that Sufism is the result of ijtih?d (legal reasoning) rather than bid`ah (innovation) and that it therefore forms part of Sunnah. This chapter provides our introduction to the translated text. Section One reviews classical works in defence of the Sufis, as well as secondary sources relied upon by the translator. Section Two provides a description of the life and works of Shaykh A?mad ibn Mu??af? al- `Al?w?. Section three discusses the legacy of the Shaykh, including the contemporary state of the `Alawiyah ?ar?qah. Section Four provides a short analysis of some of the written works of the Shaykh. Section Five evaluates the methodology of the Shaykh as a method of ijtih?d. Section Six introduces the translated text that follows this chapter. Section Seven outlines the translation strategy that is followed. It also highlights unique problems encountered during translation, such as words with unique meanings and words with nuances and meanings different to that implied by the author.Item "Grammatical controversy on the temporality of the imperfect tense in the Qur�?nic text" Is it Mu�rab (declinable) or Mabn? (indeclinable)?(University of the Western Cape, 2018) Hassan, Fakhri; Saidi, MustaphaThis research discusses the temporality of Al-Fi�l Al-Mo??ri� (present tense) in Arabic in terms of structure and case endings. It also focuses on the time of the imperfect tense and how it is affected by the Adaw?t (particles) and justification as well as the meaning, context and the purpose of the sentence. The study also investigates the controversial issues on finding a standardized definition of the actual imperfect tense in order to distinguish it from the outwardly one. It also investigates the changes which the imperfect tense undergoes when preceded by particles and how they change the case endings from Mabn? (Indicative) into Mu�rab apocopate (to be Jussive or Subjunctive). Another focus is investigating the reason why the tense of the verb that comes after particles of negation, prohibition, justification and denial is always imperfect not perfect or future, regardless of the context and the purpose of the text, and the reason as to why this rule applies to all Qur'?nic verses which contradict this rule when being parsed. In addition, it uses semiotics to explain the imperfect tense in the Qur'?nic verses and investigates the effectiveness of applying abstention and assembly to distinguish between the tense and it's meaning in the Qur'?nic text. This can help to determine the actual time of the tense in the Qur'?nic text which in turn helps to parse the imperfect tense correctly and to justify why there is a case ending which contradicts the grammar rules. The correct parsing of the imperfect tense, including indicative, subjunctive and jussive, will pave the way for more attempts to rectify the interpretation of the Qur'?nic verses which create controversy. This can be achieved by presenting the verses which contradict the rules of parsing, making hypotheses, analyzing them and then parsing them in a logical way utilizing an analytical approach.Item The conceptualization and application of Qab?lah (Clan) in the Somali context: A linguistic, social and political analysis of Somali media and online resources(University of the Western Cape, 2016) Azir, Mohaud Mohamed; Saidi, Mustapha; Ellis, WilliamThis thesis examines the concept of qab?lah (tribe/clan) and its social and political influence on Somali society. It firstly looks at the general meaning of qab?lah in Arab culture and its more specific meaning in Somali culture. It further looks at the historical development of Somali tribalism and the role it has played in undermining Somali national unity. Furthermore, the study highlights the reasons why Somalis are dependent on the tribal system such as poverty, ignorance, colonialism and foreign intervention etc. Lastly, the study discusses the effects of tribalism on both Somali civil life and the Somali Diaspora. The media is one of the sources the study will utilize.Item Jihad: liberation or terrorism? the thought of sayyid qutb(2008) Mezzi, Mohamed; Mohamed, YasienIncludes bibliographic references (leaves 184-195)"In this thesis, I contrast Qutbs approach towards jihad with that which is found in the primary sources of Islam and as espoused by the proponents of the four schools of thought, as well as key Islamic scholars. This study also attempts to explore the conceptual confusion between terrorism, jihad, and legitimate defense and resistance by comparing the legislation on jihad in Islam with that which exists in international law and conventions. I then turn my attention to the focal point of this study, the writings of Sayyid Qutb on jihad..."Item Bibliography Islam & biological evolution exploring classical Sunni sources and methodologies(2010) Jalajel, David Solomon; Mohamed, YasienThis research investigates, within the framework of classical Sunni Islamic scholarship,what we might expect an Islamic opinion about evolution to be,bringing together an accurate and detailed understanding of evolutionary biology as the field stands today with a systematic consideration of the traditional Islamic sciences.The scope of the study encompasses the scholarly traditions recognized, at least by their respective adherents, to be part of Muslim orthodoxy � referred to in Islamic discourse as Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jam??ah or more colloquially as �Sunni�. It covers the works of the scholars of the Ash?ar?, M?tur?d?, and Salaf? theological schools as well as the sources which they all draw upon � the Qur�?n, the Sunnah, and the opinions of the Salaf.The reason for this choice is that these traditions represent for most Muslims the �mainstream� of Islamic thinking, and therefore have a greater relevance for determining what a general Islamic perspective on evolution could be.The study first identifies and defines the methodological approaches of classical Sunni scholarship that have relevance to the question of an Islamic position on biological evolution. It also identifies and defines the issues within the field of Evolutionary Biology that need to be brought under scrutiny. The methods of classical Islamic Theology are then applied to the claims of Evolutionary Biology, drawing on traditional Islamic sources. The result of the study is an extrapolation of what an orthodox Islamic position towards biological evolution could be. Is Islam neutral towards the idea of biological evolution? Does it support it or categorically reject it? Can it accept certain aspects of Evolutionary Biology while rejecting others?Finally, the extrapolated �classical� Islamic position on evolution is compared with the writings of some contemporary Muslim scholars whose views run contrary to that extrapolation. Possible reasons for the discrepancy are explored.Such an interdisciplinary work should provide a valuable frame of reference for a more accurate analysis of the creation-evolution debate unfolding in the Muslim world today.