A translation, with critical introduction, of Shaykh al-`Al?w?�s al-Ris?lah al-Qawl al-Ma`R?f f? al-Radd `al? man Ankara al-Tasawwuf (a kind word in response to those who reject Sufism)
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University of the Western Cape
The objective of this thesis is the translation of an original defence of Suf? practice titled al-
Ris?lah al-Qawl al-Ma`r?f f? al-Radd `al? man Ankara al-Tasawwuf (A Kind Word in
Response to those who Reject Sufism) by the Shaykh Ah?mad ibn Mu??af? al-`Al?w?. By
translating this text it is hoped to affirm the principle that Sufism is the result of ijtih?d
(legal reasoning) rather than bid`ah (innovation) and that it therefore forms part of Sunnah.
This chapter provides our introduction to the translated text. Section One reviews classical
works in defence of the Sufis, as well as secondary sources relied upon by the translator.
Section Two provides a description of the life and works of Shaykh A?mad ibn Mu??af? al-
`Al?w?. Section three discusses the legacy of the Shaykh, including the contemporary state
of the `Alawiyah ?ar?qah. Section Four provides a short analysis of some of the written
works of the Shaykh. Section Five evaluates the methodology of the Shaykh as a method of
ijtih?d. Section Six introduces the translated text that follows this chapter. Section Seven
outlines the translation strategy that is followed. It also highlights unique problems
encountered during translation, such as words with unique meanings and words with
nuances and meanings different to that implied by the author.
Magister Artium - MA
Murshid, Muqaddam, Suf? thought, Suf?sm, Arabic