Research Publications - COVID-19
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Item Cape Town heads out to light up braais ahead of Heritage Day(Independent Online, 2020) Spiller, SamFor residents enjoying Cape Town’s parks and beaches, and with Heritage Day just around the corner, the city advised that safety comes first. “People should adhere to all the safety protocols which have been implemented to prevent the spread of the virus,” said spokesperson for City Law Enforcement, Wayne Dyason. “If the numbers at a facility inhibits these precautionary measures, then it is best avoided. The provisions of the Disaster Management Act must be adhered to.Item Circuit breakers the mini lockdown needed for hotspots(SABC, 2020) Fielding, Burtram C.Circuit breakers form part of five-point plan from the department of health that Premier Alan Winde be presented to the provincial cabinet on Tuesday for adoption. Professor Burtram Fielding, molecular biologist and Director of Research Development at UWC will explain what are circuit breakers and how they could help ease off the rise of infections in hotspots.Item COVID-19 and HIV: so far it seems the outcome is not what was feared(The conversation, 2020) Fielding, Burtram CBased on official figures – which may be somewhat under reported – COVID-19 has not been asdevastating in South Africa as initially feared. Back in March and April this year case numbers on the continent were still modest. But predictions and projections were sombre. There seemed to be consensus that African countries had weak public health systems and few testing facilities , and containment and social distancing were going to beproblematic in poor communities . More specifically, local and international organisations pointed to the fact that these areas typicallyhave the highest incidence of immuno-compromised individuals. Experts feared that the tens ofmillions with HIV and tuberculosis would be disproportionately affected by COVID-19.Item COVID-19 schools of thought(SABC, 2020) Fielding, Burtram C.Interview with Prof Bertram C. Fielding.Item District-based approach won't contain COVID-19 in WC – UWC virologist(EYEWITNESS NEWS, 2020) Palm, KaylynnCAPE TOWN - A University of the Western Cape (UWC) virologist believes a district-based approach will not contain the spread of the coronavirus in the Western Cape. Last week, Health Minister Zweli Mkhize said government had prepared a district-based plan to its COVID-19 response moving away from a one-size-fits-all method .Director of research development at the university Burtram Fielding said people who ignored social distancing rules were largely to blame for the province's high infection load.Item ‘Doctors to improve in treating COVID-19 before a vaccine is developed’(SABC, 2020) Moche, TshepiDirector of research development at the University of the Western Cape Professor Burtram Fielding says there is a strong possibility that doctors will get better at treating and saving the lives of COVID-19 patients before a vaccine is developed. The Ministerial Advisory Committee on COVID-19 has advised that patients on ventilators may now receive a corticosteroid as part of their treatment plan. The corticosteroid contains dexamethasone, which a trial treatment from the United Kingdom showed that when used the fatality rate of mechanically ventilated patients could be cut by a third.Item How viruses evolve(2020) Fielding, Burtram CThe unusual cases of pneumonia began to appear in midwinter, in China. The cause, researchers would later learn, was a coronavirus new to science. By March, the infection began to spread to other Asian countries and overseas. People were dying, and the World Health Organization issued a global health alert But this was 2003, not 2020, and the disease was SARS, not Covid-19. By June, the outbreak was almost gone, with just 8,098 confirmed infections and 774 deaths worldwide. No cases of SARS have been reported since 2004.Item The Impact of Bank-Specific Determinants on Commercial Banks’ Liquidity in Namibia(Academic research publish group, 2016) Johannes, SheefeniThis paper examined the bank-specific determinants for commercial bank’s liquidity in Namibia. The study was based on quarterly data covering the period 2001:Q1 to 2014:Q2, utilizing the technique of unit root and ordinary least squares. The results of the unit root test showed that all variable were stationary in levels and thus, the ordinary least squares technique was used to conduct the estimation. The results revealed a statistical insignificant negative relationship between commercial bank’s liquidity and return on equity as a measure of commercial bank’s profitability. Furthermore, the results also showed a positive relationship between commercial bank’s liquidity and capital adequacy as well as between commercial bank’s liquidity and non-performing loans though statistical insignificant.Item THE IMPACT OF IMPORT ON INFLATION IN NAMIBIA(www.idpublications, 2017-01) munepapa, mika; shefeeni, JohannesThis study examined the impact of imports on inflation in Namibia using quarterly data from the period 1991Q1 to 2013Q4. The model estimated used imports as a dependent variable, while gross domestic product, money supply (M2), lending rate, and exchange rate as the explanatory variables. An error correction modelling approach was applied on the double log functional form in order to investigate the significance and effect of explanatory variables to inflation in Namibia. The results for the unit root test showed that all the variables were stationary in first difference. The residual based test to cointegration revealed that there is cointegration among the variables. The error correction model showed that imports have a positive effect on inflation in the long run while in the short run the effect is insignificant.Item Possible biological explanations for kids’ escape from COVID-19(The scientist, 2020) King, AnthonySince SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, was first recognized as a close cousin of the virus that caused the SARS outbreak of 2003, scientists have looked to the experience of that earlier epidemic to glean insight into the current global health crisis. Kids were largely unaffected in the original SARS outbreak. In Hong Kong, no one under the age of 24 years died, while more than 50 percent of patients over 65 succumbed to the infection. Globally, less than 10 percent of those diagnosed with SARS were children, and only 5 percent of them required intensive care.Item SA part of a charge to develop a vaccine for Covid-19(Independent online, 2020) Charles, MarvinCape Town - With infections of the coronavirus surpassing the 1.3million mark and deaths at 76507 worldwide, the rush to find a cure is increasing, with South Africa playing its part. Globally, more than 35 companies and academic institutions are racing to create a vaccine, at least four of which already have candidates to test on animals.Item Spektrum 10 Desember 2020(SABC, 2020) Fielding, Burtram C.Die Minister van Gesondheid, dr. Zweli Mkhize, sê Suid-Afrika ondervind amptelik sy tweede vlaag van COVID-19-infeksies. Ons het by ‘n kenner gaan hoor wat dit inhou in die onmiddelike stryd teen die virus. Die DA pronk oor sy bydraes in die parlement in 2020, maar wat dink kiesers van die party? Ons praat met 'n ontleder oor gister se tussenverkiesings. Daar is diegene wat meen die nuwe lugredery, Lift, 'n dapper stap doen om in hierdie ekonomiese tye sy toetrede tot die plaaslike lugvaartbedryf te maak. Lugvaartekonoom Joachim Vermooten meen egter dis 'n sinvolle stap.Item Staying ahead of the bugs(FINWEEK, 2020) Fielding, Burtram ClintonIn a recent interview on his The DnilySlww, Jon Stewart asked astrophysicist Neil dcGrassc Tyson why the universe is trying to kill us, this in reference to the near-miss meteor event a few months ago. The universe - meaning meteors - has always kind of been trying to kill us, responded the always game Tyson; we just haven't noticed it so much before.Item Those who are most at risk(gate5, 2020) Lestrade, LeonFor all three deadly human coronavirus , advanced age ,being male, and the presence of other pre-existing medical conditions-including obesity, diabetes and heart disease- are the major factors linked to severe disease and death. There is concern about the possible impact Covid-19 could have should it spread among the most overcrowded and poor areas of South Africa. These areas typical have the highest incidence of immuno-compromised individuals-malnutrition, tuberculosis and HIV are commonly rife in these areas.Item Tin Roof owner adamant venue not source of Covid-19 ’superspreader event’(Independent Online, 2020) Spiller, SamCape Town - A large number of Covid-19 cases among high school pupils tracked to a bar in Cape Town has raised questions about social gatherings and easing of lockdown. James Truter, owner of the Tin Roof bar in Claremont, was adamant his venue was not the source of a recent superspreader event which resulted in 89 new cases, 37 of which were matric pupils.Item UWC Prof Burtram Fielding(SABC, 2020) Fielding, Burtram C.Radio interview with Prof Burtram C. Fielding Radio Sonder Grense (RSG)Item What the latest coronavirus tells us about emerging new infections(The Conversation Africa, 2020) Fielding, Burtram C.Viruses are quick studies. They’re prolific at adapting to new environments and infecting new hosts. As a result they are able to jump the species divide from animals to humans – as the new coronavirus in China is showing. It’s estimated that 89% of one particular family of viruses, known as RNA viruses, are zoonotic in origin. This means that they started in animals and have since become established among humans. RNA viruses are notorious for being able to mutate in a range of environments. This family of viruses includes everything from Ebola and West Nile Fever to measles and the common cold. The Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (or SARS-CoV) that broke out in Asia in 2003 is also an RNA virus; so too is the significantly more virulent and fatal Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS‐CoV), first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Both are zoonotic. SARS-CoV is believed – although it’s never been confirmed – to have originated in bats. Infected dromedary camels are thought to have been the source for MERS-CoV.