Research publications - DLL

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    Towards an emergent curriculum for climate justice adult educators/activists
    (Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 2022) Walters, S; von Kotze, A; O'Neil, J.K
    Ecoliteracy is essential for adult educators/activists en route to creating ecoliterate populations. Working cooperatively with other networks in the spirit of a ‘solidarity economy’, a group within the PIMA network has run a climate justice education programme through a series of webinars. We describe and analyse a case story of an emergent climate justice curriculum in action. We use an ecofeminist analysis to understand the relational entanglement of ecological breakdown, capitalism, colonialism, racism and patriarchy which in part undergird the breaching of planetary boundaries. We identify five inquiry-based themes which are suggestive as coordinates for orientating curricula for adult educators/activists learning climate justice. One of these is the importance of building ecoliterate alliances through collaborative action as we face the ‘socio-ecological hurricane’ which is bearing down.
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    Working the ‘in-between-spaces’ for transformation within the academy
    (South African Journal of Education, 2018) Walters, Shirley
    This paper considers the importance of ‘in-between spaces’ within the academy for challenging dominant institutional culture and hegemonic power relations towards a ‘de-colonised’ university. It questions ‘mainstreaming’ of transformational initiatives, as this can bring about regulation, rather than the turbulence that is often what is needed for substantive change to occur. I draw on a case study of the work of the Division for Lifelong Learning (DLL) at University of the Western Cape and in particular two examples of its marginal activities which were hosted regularly over a 10 year period. These are: the Vice-Chancellor’s Annual Julius Nyerere Lecture on Lifelong Learning and the cross-campus Annual Women’s Breakfast. I use documentary evidence and insider knowledge to reflect critically on the relevance of the spaces that were created for enacting such alternative institutional practices. I employ ‘knowledge democracy’ as a lens to bring the margins to the centre of the analysis. The argument is made that the work in the ‘in-between-spaces’ is a critical part of ‘decolonising education’ through disruptive, political, pedagogical, and organisational transformation.
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    Putting ourselves into practice: Popular education at/and universities
    (Journal of Education, 2005) Von Kotze, Astrid
    This paper looks at different ways in which popular education has been played out in South African university adult education (UAE) since the 1980s. It traces the changing relationships between UAE and sections of civil society, notably social movements, within the context of shifting socio-political dynamics. It suggests that today, there is a tension: UAE is asked to pay allegiance to vocationalism, market values and individualism. Adopting the old struggle language of ‘empowerment’, ‘participation’, and ‘people-centred education’ seems to signal that the old freedoms adult education as non-formal education utilised, are still alive. However, popular education is in danger of becoming a technology, divorced from the purpose and alliances that gave it meaning in the past. The paper asks what role does popular education have to play, today? It outlines some ways in which UAE can still make itself accountable and useful to struggles for social justice. These are proposed as a model of good practice – encapsulated by Collins’ (1991) suggestion that rather than putting theory into practice, we should put ourselves into practice.
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    Liberation pedagogy in the South African Context
    (Skotaville Publishers, 1990) Alexander, Neville
    We have arrived at a time to reflect on what has been done in the field of education for liberation, alternative education or People’s Education during the last few years. We have to analyse and theorise our experience in this country because it is imperative that beacons be set for future action, that direction and goals be determined so that energies now being expended are not wasted or misdirected. That there has been an explosion of liberation pedagogy, in the form of a multiplicity of educational projects and experiments inside and outside of the formal system of schooling since the early ’seventies more or less, is a well known fact. In recent years, many learned articles have appeared that attempt to contextualise this renaissance of learning in South Africa. Most of these have been programmatic and rhetorical or prescriptive insofar as they have dealt with the macro-educational issues involved, or descriptive and tentative insofar as they have confined themselves to micro-educational issues.
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    Popular pedagogy and the changing political landscape: A case study of a women’s housing movement in South Africa
    (Taylor & Francis Group, 2009) Ismail, Salma
    This paper sets out to explore the relationship between popular education and the changing South African political landscape through case study research of the Victoria Mxenge Housing Development Association. The research took place over an extended period of time from 1992#2003 and discusses how popular education was advocated by the South African Homeless People’s Federation and its parent NGO (People’s Dialogue); how it was implemented, how an increasing disjuncture between teaching and learning occurred, and how pedagogy was shaped by both political and personal factors. The paper discusses the interactions between social movements and NGOs and the limitations of social movements and popular education. It argues for a more nuanced conceptu
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    Recognition of prior learning as “radical pedagogy”: a case study of the workers' college in South Africa.
    (All Rights Reserved © Faculty of Education, McGill University, 2013) Bofelo, Mphutlane; Shah, Anitha; Moodley, Kessie; Cooper, Linda; Jones, Barbara
    This article argues that the model of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in use at the Workers’ College in South Africa may be seen as a form of “radical pedagogy.” Drawing on documentary sources, focus group interviews with staff, and observations, it describes an educational philosophy which aims to build the competencies of activists in labour and community organizations, facilitate their self-affirmation and dignity, and provide an access route to post-school education. It documents and attempts to theorize how this philosophy is enacted in classroom pedagogy, and explores some of the tensions and contradictions encountered. It concludes by acknowledging the unique contribution of these educational practices to an understanding of what RPL as radical pedagogy might look like.
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    A realist assessment of the implementation of blended learning in a South African higher education context
    (South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education (SAARDHE), 2016) Abrahams, Mark; Witbooi, Sally
    Opportunities for further studies by working adults came under threat as the University of the Western Cape stopped the offering of after-hours classes in most of its Faculties. Unqualified and under-qualified librarians were directly affected by this decision. This article outlines an assessment of the conceptualisation and implementation of an action research project initiated by the Division for Lifelong learning. Using a realist evaluation approach, the assessment focuses on the implementation of strategies aimed at showing how lifelong learning opportunities, conceptualised and provided in flexible ways, could support innovation in learning and teaching in order to enhance access and success to learning by working people in the context of the Library and Information Science Department.
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    Building common knowledge: negotiating new pedagogies in Higher Education in South Africa
    (University of the Western Cape, 2015) Walters, Shirley; Daniels, Freda; Weitz, Vernon
    Discussions in this chapter are located within an action research-based study which aims at supporting the integration of enhanced pedagogies in one university in South Africa. The study recognises that even full-time funded students in Higher Education face economic pressures which mean that student employment alongside full-time study is approaching the norm. It also recognises that this situation has implications for the pedagogies that are used by university departments, whether students are preparing directly for the professions or undertaking more open-ended courses. In this chapter we focus on how one university initiative to create more responsive pedagogies has been negotiated into the practices of three departments in one university with a strong history of engaging first generation university students who are poor. In particular, we draw on the idea of common knowledge to explain how new understandings of pedagogy are negotiated into the practices by the core team and are then deployed institutionally. We identify and discuss the political nature of organisational innovation and the building of common knowledge, through discussing an illustrative ‘moment’ from the research project and the participatory research approach that we adopt. The chapter brings together analytic resources of cultural-historical theory, a participatory research approach and, in particular, ideas of relational expertise, common knowledge and relational agency.
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    A realist assessment of the implementation of blended learning in a higher education context: the case of the Library and Information Science Department at the University of the Western Cape
    (University of the Western Cape, 2015) Abrahams, Mark; Witbooi, Sally
    Opportunities for further studies by working adults came under threat as the University of the Western Cape stopped the offering of after-hours classes in most of its Faculties. Unqualified and under-qualified librarians were directly affected by this decision. This paper outlines an assessment of the conceptualisation and implementation of an action research project initiated by the Division for Lifelong learning. Using a realist evaluation approach, the assessment focuses on the implementation of strategies aimed at showing how lifelong learning opportunities, conceptualised and provided in flexible ways, could support innovation in learning and teaching in order to enhance access and success to learning by working people in the context of the Library and Information Science Department.
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    Keeping the doors of learning open for adult student-workers within higher education
    (University of the Western Cape, 2015) Walters, Shirley; Witbooi, Sally; Abrahams, Mark
    The Freedom Charter of the African National Congress (ANC), the triumphant South African liberation movement, proclaims that ‘the doors of learning shall be open’ for all. Twenty years since coming to power, the doors of the universities are struggling to stay open for adult student-workers. An action research project into implementation of ‘flexible provision’ at one historically black university is described in response to these realities. Rich experiences from lives of working librarian student-workers illustrate the complex issues that confront individuals, workplaces and institutions in implementing innovative pedagogies within a university.
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    Making sense of the transitional maelstrom of part-time students and their conceptions of learning as mediated by conceptional domains of work, family and self. A case study of undergraduate, part-time political studies students at a university in South Africa
    (University of the Western Cape, 2015) Abrahams, Mark
    The traditional trajectory of young students in higher education in South Africa is currently under sharp scrutiny and the general provision is considered to be inadequate in terms of quality, diversity and quantity. There is a proposal to increase the participation rate of young people between the ages of 18 and 24 from 16% (in 2011) to 23% by 2030 (DHET, 2012). Already, the increase in access to young school leavers without the concomitant resource allocation has resulted in the inability of the University of the Western Cape (UWC) to continue to provide access to ‘non-traditional’ working adults in some of its programmes. The large classes for young undergraduates, the necessary foundation/support programmes to assist under-prepared school leavers, recent demands to increase postgraduate study output and to publish are related pressures influencing the decisions to limit undergraduate part-time studies for adult learners. To address this ‘dilemma’ an action research project was launched to introduce lifelong learning opportunities that are conceptualised and provided in flexible ways. The intention is to challenge both the university and workplaces to interrogate understandings and approaches to professional development and to support innovation that will enhance successful access and success for working people. The Political Studies department at UWC is one of the pilot sites for the action research and initial reflections on the challenge to introduce flexible modes of teaching and learning revealed that the attempts may be constrained by prevailing conceptions of the trajectories of part-time students. Instead of the traditional, linear transition into higher education – normally associated with younger learners – trajectories for mature adult learners are less linear, more complex, and include ‘stop-outs’ and discontinuities within transitions (Stevenson & Clegg, 2012). This paper describes the national transitional context of higher education in South Africa and the precarious location of working adults studying at UWC within this context. It further explores the transitional maelstroms as shared by a sample of part-time Political Studies students; it considers the roles and influence of the contextual domains of work, family and self; and examines the implications for mature students, their workplaces and the Political Studies department at the university.
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    Lifelong learning and professional development in 'Residential Universities': Implementing the 'White Paper on post-school education and training'
    (University of the Western Cape, 2015) Walters, Shirley
    This is a compilation of key documents from the four year action research project between the University of the Western Cape (UWC) and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) which seeks to implement the transformational agenda of the White Paper on Post-School Education and Training (MHET, 2013) which challenges education and training institutions to re-think approaches to teaching and learning. The research findings provide useful insights particularly for residential universities, but may also have application for other education and training institutions.
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    Flexible learning and teaching: Looking beyond the binary of full-time/part-time provision in South African higher education
    (University of the Western Cape, 2015) Walters, Shirley; Jones, Barbara
    This paper engages with literature on flexible learning and teaching in order to explore whether it may be possible, within the South African context, to have flexible learning and teaching provide a third way which goes beyond the current practice of full-time/part-time provision. This binary classification of students is a proxy for day-time/after-hours delivery. The argument is made that effective, flexible learning and teaching requires a fundamental shift in thinking about learning and teaching in higher education that moves us beyond such binaries. The paper proposes that in order to ensure access and success for students, ‘common knowledge’ (Edwards, 2010) will need to be co-constructed which understands flexible learning and teaching in ways which will meet needs of a diversity of students, including working students. It will require ‘resourceful leadership’ (Edwards, 2014) within the university that recognises, enhances and gives purpose to the capability of colleagues at every level of the systems they lead. Also, it will require the building of ‘common knowledge’ between certain sectors of universities and particular workplaces.
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    Inaugural Nyerere Lecture on Lifelong Learning by the Minister of Education, Naledi Pandor, MP, at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, Thursday, 9 September 2004
    (University of the Western Cape, 2004) Pandor, Naledi
    First Annual Julius Nyerere Memorial Lecture presented by Naledi Pandor in 2004
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    Ninth annual Julius Nyerere memorial lecture presented by Carolyn Medel-Añonuevo 2012
    (University of the Western Cape, 2015) Medel-Añonuevo, Carolyn
    Resisting the Second Scramble of Africa through Lifelong Learning: Revisiting Julius Nyerere´s thoughts on development and education.
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    Eleventh annual Julius Nyerere memorial lecture in 2014
    (University of the Western Cape, 2015) Popular Education South Africa; Walters, Shirley
    The event included a live performance by Jana Natya Manch (The People’s Theatre Group), also known as Janam (Birth). Janam has created original plays for the past 40 years; they have performed more than 8000 times in over 150 towns and cities of India, using public spaces and educating and engaging their audiences in discussions around issues of common concern. Janam is on its first tour of South Africa. They performed 'Enough is Enough'. A play based on the personal narratives of industrial workers in and around Delhi, gathered by the actors. The play is a juxtaposition of hilarious, over-the-top farce with deadly serious, quietly assertive docu-drama on the work conditions of workers. Through testimonies of real workers, the play explores issues that confront them, such as low wages, long hours of work, inadequate safety measures and the contract labour system. The topic was Popular Education: Inspiring education and activism. The event was coordinated by Professors Shirley Walters and Astrid Von Kotze of the Traditions of Popular Education Research Project within the Division for Lifelong Learning (DLL). This project was supported by the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (IHSS) and UWC to uncover the history of popular education in South Africa in order to bring these traditions to the attention of those thinking about community learning centres / colleges which are mentioned in the White Paper on Post - School Education and Training.
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    Sixth annual Julius Nyerere memorial lecture presented by Catherine A. Odora Hoppers in 2009
    (University of the Western Cape, 2009) Hoppers, Catherine, A.
    Sixth Annual Julius Nyerere Memorial Lecture Presented by Catherine A. Odora Hoppers in 2009
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    Third annual Julius Nyerere memorial lecture presented by Ms Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka in 2006
    (University of the Western Cape, 2006) Mlambo-Ngcuka, Phumzile
    It has been said that the benefits of Adult Education “are by no means universal neither are they negligible” which presupposes that the results and benefits from adult education depend on an integrated effort. It means that adult learning should not take place in isolation. It has to be an integral part of improving the quality of life of adults, youths, families and communities. It has to respond to real needs.
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    Tenth Annual Julius Nyerere Memorial Lecture presented by Saleem Badat in 2013
    (University of the Western Cape, 2013) Badat, Saleem
    Badat explores the connections between lifelong learning and higher education as well as lifelong learning in relation to that much over - used word ‘transformation’– whether transformation of higher education, in higher education or through higher education.
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    Fifth Annual Julius Nyerere memorial lecture presented by Pregs Govender in 2008
    (University of the Western Cape, 2008) Govender, Pregs
    Govender discusses the impact of agreements and policies such as GEAR and GATT on labourers in sectors such as the textile industry. Govender also questions the impact of policies from organisations such the World Trade Organisation on developing countries.