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    Exploring translanguaging practices in a multilingual grade 6 mathematics classroom
    (University of the Western Cape, 2024) Claasen, Leona; Mbekwa, Monde
    Even though the South-African education system has undergone profound changes in the decades of democracy, and various language policies have been implemented and re-implemented, language practices in basic and higher education still reflect the legacy of colonialism and apartheid. A particular consequence of this is evident in mathematics where learners’ poor performance can be located in a disjuncture between multilingual classrooms and the language of instruction. This study analyses how translanguaging practices are used in a multilingual grade 6 mathematics classroom to facilitate mathematical understanding. The aim of the study was to see whether, and if so how, the teacher and learners use translanguaging practices in the mathematics classroom in lessons relating to the topic in question. The research questions explored in this study examine firstly, the purpose of translanguaging in a grade 6 mathematics classroom; secondly, the dynamics of translanguaging and thirdly, perceptions and experiences of the teacher and the learners with respect to translanguaging.
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    Teachers’ instructional strategies of teaching reading comprehension in grade three: a case study of three primary schools in the Western Cape
    (University of the Western Cape, 2024) Arend, Mareldia; Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, Hugues Steve
    This study investigates the instructional strategies employed in teaching reading comprehension in Grade Three. The aim is to address gaps in knowledge by identifying teachers’ reading comprehension strategies. A deeper understanding of these strategies contributes to literacy development and enhances our understanding of reading and associated policies. This study is grounded in the principles of Piaget’s cognitive constructivism and Vygotsky’s social constructivism. It demonstrates how diverse reading instructional strategies mediate the process of reading, aiming to improve reading skills and foster comprehension. Using a qualitative approach and a multiple case study design, nine participants were purposefully selected from three primary schools in the Western Cape. Data were gathered through document analysis, observations, and semi-structured interviews, with thematic analysis employed for data analysis. Participants’ reading instruction aligns with the goals and aims of the Grade Three Curriculum and Assessment Policy. However, the study findings do not necessarily correlate with improved literacy outcomes. The participants predominately relied on the questioning strategy, with research-based reading strategies not consistently recognized or utilised.
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    The enhancement of psychosocial support for foundation phase learners who experience psychosocial challenges at one no-fee school in the Cape Metropole
    (University of the Western Cape, 2024) Brown, Alzette; Moodley, Trevor
    Psychosocial support has been identified as a priority action area by the Department of Basic Education in South Africa. It is therefore a pivotal part of teaching and learning, especially for vulnerable learners who attend schools in low socio-economic communities that face various social challenges such as poverty, violence and substance abuse. The Care and Support for Teaching and Learning policy document emphasises the importance of psychosocial support provision to alleviate the impact of the psychosocial challenges experienced by learners, thus creating opportunities for all learners to develop holistically. This study explored the psychosocial challenges experienced by foundation phase learners at a no-fee school in the Cape Metropole. The study was guided by Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory and Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development.
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    The introduction to integers in a grade 7 classroom through an intentional teaching strategy
    (University of the Western Cape, 2017) Soga, Mncedisi Help; Soga, Mncedisi Help
    This research investigated how grade 7 learners dealt with introductory aspects of integers when they are introduced through a temperature model. In particular, the study analysed the effect of an intentional teaching strategy on learners’ engagement with integers. The idea of combining an intentional teaching strategy with the introduction of integers in grade 7 learners using a temperature model is what makes this study unique. A qualitative study was adopted. Data was collected by means of audio and video and also by means of learners’ completed worksheets. The results of the study indicate that the majority of learners could recognise, compare and order integers. It is recommended that the application of intentional teaching with a temperature model is a viable strategy to introduce grade 7 learners to integers.
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    The tvet colleges: employees perceptions after migrating to the department of higher education and training (DHET)
    (University of the Western Cape, 2024) Nkuzo, Phumzile Sidney; Hendricks, Mohamed
    The TVET Colleges: Employees Perceptions after migrating to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in South Africa oversaw the conversion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions from Further Education and Training (FET) colleges to TVET colleges, denoting a dramatic change in the academic environment. In light of this shift, this thesis explores the complex ways in which TVET staff members—more especially, lecturing staff, nonlecturing staff, and college administration—have altered their attitudes and perceptions. The research revealed a comprehensive knowledge of how the migration to DHET changed attitudes and opinions among TVET employees through a combination of qualitative data acquired from surveys and semi-structured focus group interviews. The results suggest that contextual factors such as the college's rural location may have a big impact on how staff members' experiences are shaped in the post-migration period. Still, one must consider the study's shortcomings, such as its small sample size and the possibility of response bias. The study's narrow emphasis on a single college limits the results' applicability to the larger TVET industry, and the lack of quantitative data may limit the findings' reach. A mixed method approach has been used in the research to accommodate the wide range of viewpoints and approaches required for thorough analysis and comprehension.
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    Novice teachers’ perceptions and experiences of the practical learning module and their preparedness to teach in the foundation phase of schooling
    (University of the Western Cape, 2024) Williams, Zureenah; Du Plooy, Lucinda
    This study explored novice teachers’ perceptions and experiences of a Practical Learning Module. It addresses the problem of novice teacher efficacy, working from the premise that teacher quality affects education quality. Theoretically, it is underpinned by Bandura’s Selfefficacy theory. The study delved into the experiences and perspectives of the unit of analysis, which are novice teachers, by recognising the importance of self-efficacy, as a crucial component of effective teaching and learning. This qualitative interpretive study adopted a single case study methodology, employing document analysis, semi-structured individual interviews, and focus group interviews for data collection. Through the analysis of the data, several key themes emerged, including a misalignment between the official/intended curriculum and its actual implementation, the theory-practice divide, the transformative experience of navigating two distinct pedagogical environments (termed “reality shock”), the cultivation of self-efficacy through the agency of student teachers, and the influence of triadic relationships on novice teacher readiness to teach. This study attempts to offer valuable insights for the implementation of a more practical module, which would enhance student-teacher engagement and foster deeper learning experiences.
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    Exploring meaning-making and criticality in the analysis of Afrikaans First Additional Language novels in Grade 11
    (University of the Western Cape, 2024) Da Silva, Wendy; Ayub, Sheik
    Guided by Cultural Historical Activity Theory and Socio-cultural Theory, this research explored meaning-making and criticality in Grade 11 classrooms in respect of their analysis of the prescribed Afrikaans First Additional Language novel Die kruppel engel (The cripple angel) at two Western Cape schools. Studies have shown the importance of literature in education, particularly the impact it has on learners and how it develops them in terms of broadening their thinking, increasing their vocabulary, and improving their reading (Fialho, Zyngier, & Miall, D, 2011). However, little has been mentioned about the complexities of the content analysis on learners and the learning process. This study aims to specifically examine and understand the teaching and learning of meaning-making and criticality of multilingual Grade 11 learners and teachers when analysing novels in the classroom. This study used a qualitative case study approach, and the researcher collected various data sources, which included teacher interviews, lesson observations and learner focus group discussions. Through these sources, the study found that prescribed novels that explore contentious themes are beneficial for learning, the enjoyment of novels enhances learning, multilingual practices help learners in their meaning-making process, and multimedia both positively and negatively influences novel literature reading. The results of this study may offer the Department of Basic Education and teachers some insight into the use of prescribed novels in schools.
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    The introduction to integers in a grade 7 classroom through an intentional teaching strategy
    (University of the Western Cape, 2017) Soga, Mncedisi Help; Soga, Mncedisi Help
    This research investigated how grade 7 learners dealt with introductory aspects of integers when they are introduced through a temperature model. In particular, the study analysed the effect of an intentional teaching strategy on learners’ engagement with integers. The idea of combining an intentional teaching strategy with the introduction of integers in grade 7 learners using a temperature model is what makes this study unique. A qualitative study was adopted. Data was collected by means of audio and video and also by means of learners’ completed worksheets. The results of the study indicate that the majority of learners could recognise, compare and order integers. It is recommended that the application of intentional teaching with a temperature model is a viable strategy to introduce grade 7 learners to integers.
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    Teachers’ instructional strategies of teaching reading comprehension in grade three: a case study of three primary schools in the Western Cape
    (University of the Western Cape, 2023) Arend, Mareldia; Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, Hugues Steve
    This study investigates the instructional strategies employed in teaching reading comprehension in Grade Three. The aim is to address gaps in knowledge by identifying teachers’ reading comprehension strategies. A deeper understanding of these strategies contributes to literacy development and enhances our understanding of reading and associated policies. This study is grounded in the principles of Piaget’s cognitive constructivism and Vygotsky’s social constructivism. It demonstrates how diverse reading instructional strategies mediate the process of reading, aiming to improve reading skills and foster comprehension. Using a qualitative approach and a multiple case study design, nine participants were purposefully selected from three primary schools in the Western Cape. Data were gathered through document analysis, observations, and semi-structured interviews, with thematic analysis employed for data analysis. Participants’ reading instruction aligns with the goals and aims of the Grade Three Curriculum and Assessment Policy. However, the study findings do not necessarily correlate with improved literacy outcomes. The participants predominately relied on the questioning strategy, with research-based reading strategies not consistently recognized or utilised. Several factors negatively impacted reading comprehension, including a lack of pedagogical knowledge, motivation issues, and misconceptions about reading comprehension, inadequate support, reading difficulties, comprehension challenges, limited technical support, policy shortcomings, and lack of parental support exacerbated by poverty. The study concludes that establishing a network of support mechanisms is crucial for the success of reading comprehension initiatives.
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    An investigation of the current challenges in the implementation of grade 11 chemistry laboratory work in three selected secondary schools in Eritrea
    (University of the Western Cape, 2003) Fessehatsion, Hadish Woldu; Davidoff, Sue
    The study has attempted to investigate the current challenges in the implementation of Grade 11 chemistry laboratory work in three selected secondary schools in Eritrea. Specifically, the study has attempted to address the following questions: To what extent does Grade 11 chemistry laboratory work in the selected Eritrean secondary schools promote the achievement of Kerr's (1963) aims of practical work in school science, particularly in chemistry?. How adequate are the conditions of Grade 11 chemistry laboratory work in the selected Eritrean secondary schools?. What constraints/problems do Grade 11 chemistry teachers encounter in implementing and teaching laboratory work?. What challenges do Grade 11 chemistry teachers encounter in implementing and teaching laboratory work?. Data were collected through two instruments: questionnaires and interviews, conducted with various stakeholders viz: teachers, laboratory assistants, students and a member of the chemistry panel. The outcome of the data was analysed in terms of appropriate qualitative and quantitative descriptions.
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    Realistiese wiskunde onderrig en die strategiee wat Standerd ses leerders vir die oplossing van gelyktydige Line~re vergelykings ontwikke.
    (UWC, 1996) Whittles, K; Julie, CM
    oplos van vergelykings beklee belangrike plek onderrig van Algebra. Die verbintenis van die onderwerp met ander onderwerpe in Algebra wys op die belangrikheld van die rol. Meer en meer is daar in wekrcep dat die onderwgrpe wat in Wiskunde onderrig word, probleme bevat wat ale warklikheid van die leerdera aanapreek. Realistiese wiskunde Onderrio as benadering bled die rime an ale onderwerp on materiaol vari did sard te antwerp. Hiardaur kom die leerder In aanraking met, kontekate wat vanuit sy/haar worklikheid tot ham/haar spreek.
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    Die belangrikheid van voorkennis in die konstruering van begrip by die leer yan meetkunde in die middelbare skool.
    (UWC, 1994) Cairncross, JR
    Hierdie studie poog daarna om aan te toon hoe belangrik dit is om die voorkennis waarmee leerlinge in hul ervaringswereld gekon Atonteer word te peil, alvorens enige formele onderrig in die wereld geskied. Daar word veral gekyk na. leerlinge se persepsies van abstrakte en tegniese begrippe soos basis, toppunt, hoogte en hoogtelyn it hul werklikheidswereld en watter aaneengeskakeldheid, indien enige, daar met die vakspesifieke kennis bestaan. By die nasien van eksterne vraestelle (matriek-meetkunde, tweede vraestel) waarby die skrywer die afgelope vyf jaar betrokke is, en ook in die junior sekondêre fase, kom dit na vore dat leerlinge nie bogenoemde begrippe ten volle bemester nie. 'n Aantal begrippe waarmee leerlinge probleme ondervind, word in hierdie studie geidentifiseer by wyse van die dissektering van enkele meetkundestellings ten einde die begrippe te ontbloot.
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    Implementing productive practice in a grade 9 Mathematics class: A design research study
    (University of the Western Cape, 2024) Luxolo, Mlofane; Cyril, Julie
    Several attempts have been made to encourage practice in Mathematics, but no consensus has been reached to implement practice to promote mastery of procedural fluency in integer arithmetic in a grade 9 Mathematics class. To determine the role of practice in Mathematics, the research addressed the significance of “productive practice” to promote mastery of procedural fluency in integer arithmetic in a grade 9 Mathematics class as forthcoming from the National Senior Certificate diagnostic reports on Mathematics. The study focused more on procedural fluency in integer arithmetic in a grade 9 Mathematics class. Hence, the research question of the study was: “Does productive practice promote mastery of procedural fluency in integer arithmetic?” In the study, I gave learners work related to procedural fluency in integer arithmetic and asked them to analyse the procedures and reflect on possible solutions. Observations of learners working with the designed activities and a teacher reflective journal were the types of data collection methods that I used in the study. The results were discussed per activity and the groups` written responses to the questions in the five designed activities dealing with integer arithmetic in a grade 9 Mathematics content. The results emphasis was on how the groups responded to designed activities. The objective of this study is to contribute towards ways to improve achievement outcomes in school Mathematics.
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    The educational support of teenage mothers at Western Cape school
    (University of the Western Cape, 2023) Maarman-Afrika, Bernadette; Smith, Juliana
    Teenage pregnancy has increased in recent years, and it is viewed as a social problem that has led to various research studies. Most teenage mothers are more motivated to complete their schooling and pursue further education after giving birth. Due to the high number of teenage mothers returning to school, it became essential to understand the educational support they utilise to fulfil their schooling goals. The research attempted to explore the different support that is made available to them. The study aimed to explore the educational support of teenage mothers at a Western Cape school. The study used a qualitative methodological paradigm, and an interpretive approach was followed. The data was collected using a single case study as a qualitative research design. Ten teenage mothers, nine parents, four teachers, and principal were selected as the target population using the purposive sampling method. In-depth individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect the data. A schedule of interview questions enabled the participants to reveal their views and experiences on the topic of study. A thematic qualitative data analysis was used to create meaning from the collected data.
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    Multiple perceptions (teachers’, parents’, learners’) of Somali learner acculturation in a Cape Town primary school setting
    (University of the Western Cape, 2023) Hahn, Megan Henriette; Bladergroen, Moira
    During the 1990s many Somali families settled in South Africa amid severe protracted inter-clan conflict in Somalia. Other Somali families migrated to the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom and other western countries. Limited knowledge exists about the acculturation of the children of these families in their newly adopted western schools. No less is this the case of refugee and immigrant Somali learner descendants attending South African schools. This qualitative research project focuses on the school acculturation experiences of Somali learners attending a public primary school in one of the northern suburbs of Cape Town. The study involves the input of the three main education components, viz. teachers, parents and the learners.
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    Curriculum leadership practices of senior management in developing a ‘Thinking School’: A case study of a Western Cape primary school
    (University of the Western Cape, 2023) Van Wyk, Chadley William; Collett, Karen
    This research study explored the curriculum leadership practices by senior management which support the development of a selected primary school as Thinking School. A review of the literature shows that many learners in South African primary schools find reasoning and making inferences difficult. There is a need to identify what curriculum leaders do to enable teachers to teach in ways that develop thinking. A school which is an accredited Thinking School provided the site to explore best practices in enhancing thinking. This research is located within an interpretivist paradigm using a qualitative approach and a case study design. Three staff members in leadership positions and a focus group of four teachers from this primary school were purposively selected to participate in the study. Data collection took place through an online digital questionnaire, online focus group interviews, semi-structured individual interviews and documentary analysis.
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    A comparison between the contexts grade 10 learners prefer for mathematical literacy and those reflected in the timss survey
    (University of the Western Cape, 2006) Snyders, Charles John; Julie, Cyril; Mbekwa, Monde
    This study focuses on the contexts grade 10 learners prefer to deal with in mathematical literacy. These preferred contexts of the learners were then compared with the contextual situations found in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The most important findings of this study are that grade ten learners from low socio-economic environments regard mathematics and mathematicians' practices as the most favoured items. The extra-mathematical clusters that they prefer are the technology and health cluster. TIMSS designers favoured the financial cluster favoured with youth cultural elements and technological devices that the youth are associated with. What learners find relevant or interesting may differ from what designers of tests may perceive to be relevant or vice versa.
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    Die verskille en ooreenkomste van die wetlike regte van blanke, kleurling, en swart onderwysers in Suid-Afrika vanaf 1963-1996
    (University of the Western Cape, 1999) Minnaar, Wlliam Henry; Bak, Nelleke
    In hierdie mini -tesis ondersoek ek die verskille en ooreenkomste, tussen die wetli ke regte van Blanke , Kleurling en Swart onderwysers, wat bestaan het vanaf die tydperk 1963- 1996. Ek argumenteer dat hierdie verskille hoofsaaklik gebaseer is op die konsep van onderdrukking van die Kleurlinge en Swartes. In die Inleiding stel ek dit duidelik dat ek met onderwysers se wetlike regte werk, wat betrekking het op hul verhouding met 'n onderwysdepartement. Dit is gedoen omdat die konsep van regte so wyd is. Om hierdie rede wys ek uit dat sekere pligte, verantwoordeli khede en prosedures noodsaaklik is, ten einde aanspraak te maak op 'n reg. In die eerste deel van my mini-tesis bespreek ek die ou wetgewing wat aanvank lik gebaseer was op segregasie in sy hi storiese konteks. Ek argumenteer dat hierdie historie se prosesse, met sy segregasie maatreels, voor 1948 die fondament vir Apartheidswetgewing gele het om te diskrimineer tusse n Blankes, Kleurlinge en Swartes. V oor die bespreking van die wetgewing gee ek in hoofstuk 1 'n agtergrond van die historiese prosesse wat as basis gedien het vir Apartheidswet gewing. Die gevolge van aparthe id i s ook deel van die bespreking. In hoofstuk 2 bespreek ek die Apartheidswetgewing, wat in die verskillende Onderwyswette vir Blankes, Kleurlinge en Swartes. As 'n gevolg van hierdie wette gee , ek in hoofstuk 3 'n uiteensetting van die verskillende wetlike regte vir Blanke, Kleurling en Swart o nderwysers ontwikkel het. In aansluiting hierby, bespreek ek in hoofstuk 4 die ooreenkomste en verskille in die wetlike regte van onderwysers volgens die konsep van segregasie . Hierdie verskille en ooreenkomste kan beskou word as 'n direkte uitvloeisel van Apartheidswetgewing na 1948. In die tweede deel van my mini-tesis, bespreek ek die nuwe wetgewing aan die hand van demokrasie en gelykheid. Ek argumenteer dat hierdie nuwe wetgewing gemotiveer was deur die verset teen Apartheid. Om hierdie rede bespreek ek in hoofstuk 5 die konteks van verandering wat teweeg gebring was deur die versetbewegings teen Apartheid. Hierdie versetbewegings het beoog om wetgewing te demokratiseer in terme van segregasie en demokrasie. Ek argumenteer in hoofstuk 6 dat die nuwe Grondwet (1996) impliseer regte vir onderwysers in die vorm van menseregte vir almal. In hoofstuk 7 gee ek 'n uiteensetting van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (1995), wat die wetlike regte en werksomstandighede van onderwysers direk raak en wat verskil van die Apartheid Onderwyswetgewing. In hoofstuk 8 bespreek ek die Witskrifte vir Onderwys, waarin voorsiening gemaak word vir die transformasie proses in die onderwys, en wat verdere regte na die onderwysprofessie uitbrei. In die laaste hoofstuk gee ek 'n uiteensetting van die Wet op Nasionale Onderwysbeleid (1996) en argumenteer dat die wet daadwerklike pogings aanwend om die ongelykhede en verskille van die verlede in onderwys uit te wis, die wetlike regte van die onderwyser in die onderwys te beskerm, en om die onderwysstelsel te demokratiseer. Ek kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die wetlike regte van onderwysers deur die nuwe Grondwet beskerm word, en dat dit nie sonder om demokratiese prosedures te volg, aangepas of verander kan word nie.
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    Exploring strategies and approaches grade ten learners in eritrea use when studying a given mathematical model
    (University of the Western Cape, 2001) Kahsay, Yohannes Kibreab; Julie, Cyril
    This study explores the strategies and approaches grade ten leaners in Eritrea use when studying a given mathematical model. In this study, ten learners selected from a grade ten mathematics class had been presented with a mathematical modelling task. The study has two different parts. Firstly, the observable behavior of learners when they studied a given model is discussed and analyzed. The model that was given to them was a module dealing with the "human development index". It was an excerpt from 1994 human development report. In this part, leaners became familiarized with the whole process of modelling, which could help them to solve other related modelling problems. Secondly, observable behavior of leaners, when they were engaged in constructing a similar model was analyzed. In this part, learners were asked to develop a community development index. Two methods of data collection were used: 1. Participant observation with the help of videotaping 2. Interviews which were recorded on audio tape. Analysis was embedded in the conceptual model of activity system as proposed by Engestrom. Results of analysis of this study show that the main difference between the traditional and emerging activity systems of teaching-learning mathematics lies in the main components of the system - the tools, the rules, the division of labour and the object as well as the outcome of the system. Based on this study, the following recommendations to improve the quality of teaching-learning strategies of mathematics in Eritrean secondary schools are made: A variety of approaches and strategies of teaching-learning mathematics in general, and of mathematical modelling in particular, must be incorporated into the new curriculum design. Mathematical modelling problems should integrate many of the necessary skills, which allow learners to explore strategies of their own. Mathematical modelling problems could be introduced and tested in grade ten mathematics classrooms in the form of projects already required in the syllabus.
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    Professional development for contemporary roles of high school principals by an education management and development centre in the Western Cape
    (University of the Western Cape, 2003) Rayners, Sharlene; Herman, H.
    This study seeks to present a case study of professional development for contemporary roles of high school principals of an EMDC in the Western Cape. The advent of a democratic government in South Africa in 1994 inevitably resulted in initiatives for transformation in education. School principals are under enormous pressure to transform their schools from the traditionally rigid, bureaucratically administered schools to institutions that have democratic, decentralised school administration. Against this background, this study attempts to determine the contemporary leadership roles of principals in their various contexts and explore their 'real' needs for effective school leadership development, also to make recommendations for empowering school leaders in an EMDC region. Local and international literature on school leadership and management was reviewed. An investigation was done of the perceptions of six high school principals, their contemporary roles and identification of common challenges facing them to lead effectively. The researcher also explored an Educational Management and Development Centre's (EMDC) Institutional Management and Governance (IMG) component's perceptions of challenges associated with the school leadership of principals within educational and training institutions within their region, and ascertained the relationship between EMDCs' training and the needs of the principals. The findings reveal that despite slight differences, there was general agreement on issues of the role, development and support of the school principal between the principals and the circuit mangers of the EMDC. The case study has identified the need for the contemporary role of the principal to be more extensive in the context of current reforms. The principal interviewed all aspired to leading their schools in the direction of the new reforms, however challenging. The study has also established that there are good professional relationships between the principals and their circuit managers. There is mutual acceptance that many of the challenges that principals face are not dealt with by the EMDC. However, as the circuit managers endeavour to move towards a developmental approach rather than merely administrative support for principals, there is evidence to support the notion that they are making significant progress. Finally, a number of key recommendations are made for efficient and effective preparation, development and support for school leadership.