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Item A Grammar of Baca and its relation to Swazi, Zulu and Xhosa(University of the Western Cape, 1942) Hallowes, D.P; Dlamini, GeorgeThe material for this work is based" on field work conducted during three. weeks in February and two weeks in September, 1941. Both periods were spent at Lourdes in East Griqualand, a place well suited for a place well suited for the purpose, being the centre of an area inhabited by the Baca people. The only other important area is round Mount Frere. I am indebted to Reverend Father Jakob for his assistance at Lourdes, to Mr L, I. Venable s and Mr. J. A. Campbell, both of the Johannesburg Municipal Native Affairs Department, for their courtesy in placing Baca speakers at my disposal, to Mr. l. A.H Mulcahy of the Main Pass Office , and Mr. A. G. T. Chaplin of the Swaziland. Government office, for their kind assistance in relation to Swazi, and. to the Inter-University Committee for African Studies for a grant for carrying out the necessary field workItem Lencwadzi ibhalelwe bantfwana belibanga lesitsatfu Grade Ill lasebakwati kufundza nekubhala(University of the Western Cape, 1976) Mazibuko, T.; Drennon, HankTsine bantfwana bemaSwati siyahlonipha. Kuhlonipha sikufundziswa emakhaya. Asidzingi kufundziswa kuhlonipba esikolweni. Umntfwana makangahloniphi uyashaywa. Nasihlangana nemuntfu lomdzala endleleni siyaphambuka. Sicolela kuhamba esikhotseni. Siyabese 'siyema. Kuba ngitsi lesibingelelako. Sibingelela ngenhlonipho. Siyayekela futsi. nekudlala. Tsi~e bantfwana asihlali n~bantfu labadzala. Nabakulendlu siyaphuma siye kulenye. Sentela kutsi bacoce kahle _tindzaba tabo. Umntfwana akatilaleli tindzaba tebantfu labadzala. Kunjalo nje bantfwana� abambuki emohlweui.umuntfu lomdzala. Nasikhuluma sibuka phansi. Bantfu labadzala nabahleti phansi asibameli. �sihlala , . . phansi natsi. Kumbe singaguca ngemadvolo. Noma sikhuluma nalabadzala siyaguca. Umuntfu lomdala nakakhaspane make nobe babe. Siya dvutane naye nasifuna khuluma. Sikhulumela phantsi �ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi Nebuso betfu bufanele buhlale bumamatseka. Tsine siyakutsandza kuhloniphaItem Say it in Siswati(University of the Western Cape, 1979) Rycroft, David K; Rycroft, David KSay it in siSwati is a practical course manual for beginners. It is intended to be used in conjunction with a series of language laboratory tapes, either for individual or group instruction; but could also be used independently, preferably with the aid of a siSwati speaker. The main aim has been to introduce all the principal structures and to present these in terms of familiar objects .and everyday situations as far as possible. Starting from a selected basic vocabulary, the drills concentrate ~~ fitting words together effectively and fluently, and the stock of words is gradually expanded. Appendices provide extra phonological and grammatical information if required, and a repertoire of traditional songs, followed by a glossary. The course represents a revised and expanded version of a siSwati Language Manual �devised in 1972 for teaching British volunteers who were going out to Swaziland to undertake projects for Voluntary Service Overseas., and International Voluntary Service. Grateful acknowledgement is due, particularly, to Mrs. Gladys Mkhonta and Mr. A.B. Ngcobo who gave valuable assistance in the preparation of scripts and drills, and also to Messrs. Titus Ngubeni, Reuben Zondi, Derek Hlanze, Edward Dlamini, Nicholas Dlamini, Reginald Dladla, Clifford Magongo and Miss Jane Maseko, whose voices are recorded on the tapes. fundamentally, preparation of the manual would not have been possible at all without the generosity of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, in sponsoring the necessary linguistic and musical field research.Item Boycotting of academics: The case of UWC(UWC, 1980) Miche, Ana; JJ, RrAn abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose.Item A People's History of South Africa: Gold and Workers(University of the Western Cape, 1980) Callinicos, Luli; Kirkwood, MikeIn black societies, 'cattle were used for religious ceremonies and also for lobola, which was an important part of the economy. Lobola. was an exchange of cattle for a fruitful marriage. If the This volume is the first in wife proved infertile, her family would be obliged to give in marriage a second daughter. Lobola also enabled the bride's brothers in turn to afford the lobola for marriage and children themselves. Lobola circulated wealth and helped to build up the population and labour power of the family. A man's wealth and power were therefore measured by his cattle. Because of people's close ties to the land. in subsistence society, it was important to have enough labour to work it. More labour produced more food. This labour came from the family. Families in subsistence societies were large they usually consisted of the father, his wives and children, plus any unmarried relatives who might be needing a home. The members of the family worked together to produce their basic needs. They shared many of the daily tasks. At the same time, each member of the family had his or her own job. The women would usually grow the food and prepare it. They also raised the children. The older girls helped the adult women in their tasks. The men hunted and supervised the older boys, training them to look after the animals. In time, a man became the head of a family, with a duty to protect it in times of danger.Item Die Afrikaans van Kharkams(University of the Western Cape, 1983) Links, Thomas Hodson; Ponelis, F.Aln Die Afrikaans van Kharkams word daar in HOOFSTUK I eers 'n uiteensetting gegee van die motivering vir en die aard van die studie. Hierna volg 'n beskrjming van die navorsingsgebied, Kharkams, uit 'n historiese, geografiese en sosiale oogpunt. Omdat die studie 'n dialekmonografie is en die dialektiese aard van Kharkams se taal beskryf word teen die agtergrond van Algemeenbeskaafde Afrikaans, word die begrippe Algemeen-beskaaf en dialek van nader omskryf. HO0FSTUK 2 behandel die fonol ogiese eiesoortigheid van die groep respondente se taalgebruik en al die wisselings by die vokale, diftonge en konsonante word van nader bekyk en toegelig met voorbeelde uit die opnames en optekeninge. T.o.v. somnige fons= logiese eienaardighede van KT word 'n diachroniese aanloop gegee en wat o.a. opval in die opsig is dat baie van die verskynsels baie oud in Afrikaans is en soms 'n vroeEr klankstadium van Afrikaans verteernuoordig. Vgl. monoftongering (3.1.1) en epentese.Item Kaapse Afrikaans(University of the Western Cape, 1983) Klopper, Rembrandt. Marius; Eksteen, L.C.This study entails an analysis of the inherent grammatical and phonological variation which are characteristic of Cape Afrikaans. On the basis of the inherent variation which is documented in the preliminary part of this study, the relationship between inherent phonological variation and language change is analyzed by means of a deductive validation procedure in the central part of it. In the first ..chapter the epistemological basis of this study is set out, and a review is given of various empirical validation procedures, and criticism of linguistic analysis by means of deductive validation is evaluated. The research methodology, i.e. the field work and quantification techniques for the deductive analysis of Afrikaans� cassette recordings of 139 Cape Afrikaans respondents is documented in chapter two. In the third chapter it is argued that the proposed analysis of inherent linguistic variation and langu�ge change can best be conducted within the framework of the sociocultural context of pragmatic language use rather than within a theory of linguistic competence The fourth chapter commences with a brief review of the various domains of language change and is followed by evidence from a wide variety of languages which suggests that sociocultural factors play a major role during language change. The chapter is concluded with the proposal that language change can best be studied within the framework of linguistic -variation which William Labov pioneered. The fifth chapter consists of a review of phonological, lexical and syntactic variation inherent in cape Afrikaans. The findings of this study are reported in the sixth and final chapter. The study concludes that inherent linguistic variation forms the basis for the sociocultural stratification of Cape Afrikaans and that tt also serves as the mechanism for linguistic change in this variety of Afrikaans.Item A sociological study of ideology among the Herero of central Namibia(University of the Western Cape, 1984) van Rooyen, Johann Willem Friedrich; Welz, S.E; Du Pisanti, S.EThe concept of ideology: as portrayed in the works of various social theorists, is comprised of a wider Yet related, range of meanings and connotations. Despite its lack of semantic precision, the concept is of value for sociological analysis and is of special relevance in the theories of Marx and Weber, both on a descriptive as well as explanatory level. In an attempt to test these two theorists I postulates in a substantive setting, the chief ideological and material influences which have affected the socio-culturaI development of the Herero of central Namibia are surveyed and related to some modern social structures peculiar to them. The study indicates that ideological and material factors have indeed both variously been responsible for significant social adaptations that have occurred in Herero society in recent times. The findings suggest that material impulses have far outweighed ideological stimuli in importance for the greater part of recorded Herero history. It is only since the end of World War II that ideological variables seem to have predominated as causal agents of social change.Item Die Afrikaner-intellektueel in krisis: 'n dialektiese ondersoek na 'n faset van Karel Schoeman se Na die Geliefde Land en die Hemeltuin(University of the Western Cape, 1984) Willemse, Heinrich S.S.; Gerwel, G.J.Die studie neem - in hoofstuk een - tot probleemstelling dat Karel Schoeman se outsider-karakters nie noodwendig draers van 'n eksistensieel-metafisiesie belewing is nie. Die karakters is nie, soos vry algeneem aanvaar word, te verklaar deur persoonlik-individualistiese karaktertrekke niw. Die outsider-karakter kan teruggevoer word tot die vertrouenskrisis tussen Afrikaner-skrywer en Afrikaner-hegemonie.Item Imam ' Abdullah Haron life , ideas and impact(University of the Western Cape, 1986) Muhammed, Haron; Chidesta, DavidThis study focuses upon Imam ' Abdullah Haron, who is an impertant Muslim religious personality in South Africa who had died in detention in 1969 . He made sincere efforts in bringing about social reforms in his community . The Imam emphasised all aspects of reform, including the moral and spiritual reforms in society . This research demonstrates that he had laid down the foundation of I slamic social reform which present day Muslim organizations followed. It also shows the impact the Imam had on these Muslim organizations .Item An analysis of black consciousness/in/South Africa i according to'the theoretical'criteria of a revolutionary philosophy(University of Western Cape, 1986) Vagens, Constandinos; Cilliers, J.This study was initiated, in the first place, by the dearth of analyses available on black consciousness in South Africa. The studies that do exist are usually to be found i~ the form of a chapter or two in a work on general black protest politics. This leaves virtually no room for a detailed analysis of the philosophy, and consequently, a few quotes by Biko, followed by general comment constitutes the most frequent form of "analysis". No theoretical framework is given and neither are the logical sequences in Biko's work analysed. This dissertation sets out to make a contribution to the existing academic analyses of black consciousness. In attempting to do this, various obstacles have had to be overcome.The most important obstacle has been the assertion that the black consciousness philosophy ostensibly precludes itself from objective analysis by whites. Consequently, the author has endeavoured to evaluate the philosophy from a theoretical framework which has been compiled from elements which characterise black consciousness ideal approach of black consciousness to society.as. This implies that any subjective inclinations which the author may have, are largely blocked from detracting from the essence of the. The theoretical framework according to which black consciousness is analysed is a IImode'" of a revolutionary philosophy.Item Geografiese aspekte van rekreasie en vryetydsbesteding in Bellville-Suid(University of the Western Cape, 1987) McPherson, Elsworth Adam; Taylor, VDie wyse waarop mense hul VRYETYD [dit is tyd wat oorbly nadat alle verpligtinge (sosiaal en fisiologies) nagekom is) bestee, vorm die sentrale tema van hierdie studie. On Belangrike aspek van hierdie tema vir die geograaf is die wisselwerking wat daar bestaan tussen die aanbod en aanvraag na rekreasiefasiliteite, omdat dit meerendeels die ruimtelike plasing van fasiliteite (in stedelike gebiede) bepaal. In die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing het daar sekere faktore ontwikkel wat die normale wisselwerking ten opsigte van rekreasie be�nvloed het, en gevolglik as probleme geidentifiseer kan word. I~ hierdie studie word die probleme wat daar bestaan ten opsigte van rekreasie en vryetydsbesteding ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die inwoners van Bellville-Suid, On "Bruin" Groepsgebied op die Kaapse Vlakte. Data vir die studie is met behulp van gestruktureerde ontleed met die vraelyste ingesamel en daarna statisties oog op beantwoording van die volgende vrae: Wat is die aard en omvang van vryetydsbesteding gedurende die dag, oor naweke en vakansies van die inwoners van Bellville-Suid? Hoe beinvloed die politiek-ekonomiese strukture die aanbod van fasiliteite (die rekreasiemilieu) in Bellville-Suid? Wat is die invloed van die politiek-ekonomiese strukture op die aanvraag na fasiliteite (die rekreasiegedrag) van die inwoners van Bellville-Suid? Die data wat met behulp van die vraelyste ingesamel is, is verder aangevul deur persoonlike onderhoude. Ten einde bestaande vrae te beantwoord, is daar eerstens gekyk na die rekreasiehulpbronbasis in Bellville-Suid. Die aanbod ter plaatse is gemeet aan nasionale en internasionale standaarde wat gebaseer is op gegewens uit die relevante literatuur.Item Some sociolinguistic aspects of/ second language teaching and learning of Xhosa(University of Western Cape, 1987) Zotwana, Sydeny Zanemvula; Gowlett, DeLekChapter 1 deals with the theoretical issues involved in the study of language as a social phenomenon. It traces the development of the sub-discipline of sociolinguistics and the contribution of sociologists and anthropologists to the study of the relation between society and language.Item Geografiese aspekte van rekreasie en vryetydsbesteding in Bellville-Suid(University of the Western Cape, 1987) McPherson, Elsworth Adam; Taylor, VThe way in which people utilise their FREE TIME [that is time left after all commitments (social and physiological) have been met] forms the central theme of this study. An important aspect of this theme for the geographer is the interaction between supply and demand of recreational facilities, because determines the spatial location of facilities in urban areas. In the South African society certain factors which influence the normal interaction between supply and demand have developed which can be identified as problems. In this study the problems which exist regarding recreation and the use of free time are examined with specific reference to the people living in Bellville South, a "Coloured" Group Area on the Cape Flats. Data for the study was collected with the air of a structured questionnaire and thereafter statistically analysed with the intention of answering the following questions: What is the nature and extent of the use of free time during the day, over weekends and during vacations of the inhabitants of Bellville South? How does the politico-economic structure influence the supply of facilities for recreation in Bellville South? What is the influence of the politico-economic structure on the demand for facilities (the recreational behaviour) for the inhabitants of Bellville South? The data which had been collected with the aid of questionnaire, was further supplemented with personal interviews. In order to answer the above questions satisfactorily, recreation resource base in Bellville South was looked firstly. The local supply was measured according to national and international norms based on information obtained from the relevant literature. An attempt was made secondly to determine the demand for recreation generated by the community. It was evident from the literature that the socio-economic level of communities played a vital role in the determination of the extent of their demand. By examining certain socio-economic parameters, it was found that the community of Bellville South consisted mostly of people from the working-class. Subsequently the factors which have an influence on the recreational behaviour of the respondents during the day, weekend and vacation time-periods, were examined. It was found that, as one can expect from a predominantly working class community, recreation was mostly directed at the home environment during all three time-periods. This can be explained by referring to the constitutional constraints (Group Areas Act, Separate Amenities Act), socio-economic constraints and the inadequate recreational facilities in the study area. The interaction between demand and supply within the prevailing politico-economic structures was subsequently examined. The correlation between demographic and socio-economic variables and recreational activities was examined with the aid of crosstabulations. The resulting spatial pattern of the recreational behaviour of the respondents was analysed cartographically. By examining the latent and potential demand for recreational facilities it was found that there are very real needs in the study area. Lastly, recommendations were made with a view of alleviating the problems which have been identified. It was felt that immediate attention should be paid to shortcomings in the supply and maintenance of recreational facilities in Bellville South, while the political problems which make a meaningful utilisation of recreational facilities by everybody in South Africa impossible at the moment, should also be removed.Item Some sociolinguistic aspects of second language teaching and learning of Xhosa(University of the Western Cape, 1987) Zotwana, S; GowIett, DDuring the period between March 1974 and June 1981, I was involved in the teaching of Xhosa to non-mother-tongue speakers at Rhodes University. This experience brought me face to face with problems for which my training as a teacher of Xhosa had not prepared me as my training had been in the firs t-language teaching and learning of Xhosa. It also sensitized me to some of the problems and contradictions that characterize the teaching o f Xhosa to White learners. The sensitization itself came in the form of a frustration which was two-dimensional.Item The muslim judicial council - A descriptive and analytical investigation(University of the Western Cape, 1989) Lubbe, Gert Johannes Alwyn; Le Roux, C Du PThis thesis proposes to investigate the application of the Shari'a or Islamic Law in South Africa. To this end, the work of the Cape Town-based Muslim Judicial Council, which follows the Shafi's school of thought, is focussed on. Perspectives gained from the history of Islam at the Cape reveal the emergence of a social structure in terms of which the imam or leader of the congregational prayer assumes pastoral care for his constituents in all walks of life. Constituted. by the theologians and imams of the Cape Peninsula, the MJC consequently reflected, since its inception in 1945, something of the societal involvement of its membership. Here it is however its function as a judiciary that deserves and receives the greater emphasis. To evaluate the judicial work of the MJC in terms of its own, i.e. Islamic, principles, the basic functions of Islamic legal theory have been employed to constitute a viable methodological approach. Against this backdrop, the operations of the MJC can both be understood and assessed. To gain insight into the work of the MJC, a selection of its legal decrees or fatawa are investigated. To facilitate a logical description of these pronouncements, a division into political matters, matters of belief and worship, and civil matters has been followed.Item Spesifieke leergestremdheid by laerskoolkinders: 'n empiriese ondersoek na die voorkomssyfer en persoonlikheidseienskappe van spesifieke leerge= stremde senior prim�re skoolkinders(University of the Western Cape, 1989) Adam, Mohamed Essa; Broekmann, N CSedert die sestigerjare het daar h betekenisvolle opswaai in belangstelling "The problem is 2 damnably elusive one"; Cruickshank (1981) beweer verder gekom in die kinders wat nieteenstaande die feit dat hulle h normale in= telligensie en geen ernstige sensoriese en fisieke probleme het nie, nie aan die eise van die normale skool kan voldoen nie - die sogenaamde spesifieke leergestremde kinders (Adamson, 1979; Gearheart 1980 en 1981; Kirk & Gallagher, 1983; Meyer, 1981; Murray-verslag, 1969; Sabatino, Miller &. Schmidt, 1981; Stander 1977 en 1981). Voor 1963 is hierdie "backrow child" (Farnham-Diggory, 1978) beskou as 'lui' en 'agtelosig', aangesien die onderwyserl)voel dat die kind nie sy2)beste lewer nie. Reid en Hresko (1981) meen dat spesifieke leergestremdheid (SLG) een van die etikette is wat die swakste begryp word en hoewel die studieveld volgens hulle 'ryk en interessant' (p.l) is, bestaan daar heelwat verwarring daaroor. Cruickshank (1981) is van mening dat stellings omtrent die studieveld deur= trek is VRn ~anopvattings. In dieselfde lig s� 8ryant (1982:271) dat daar van tyd tot tyd verskille is in die woordeskat wat gebruik word, maar indien daar h noukeurige analise gemaak word van die betekenis van die woorde, die nderliggende konsepte in h groot mate dieselfde is. Ander ondersoekers (Douglas, Fuller & Davis, 1984) het h negatiewer inslag en meen weer dat SLG nie as h unieke psigologiese entiteit bestaan nie en dat dit eintlik h onding is om die etiket van SLG om die kind se nek te hang, terwylons nie presies weet wat SLG werklik is nie. Hierdie terminologiese verwarring wat deur sommige 'kenners' geskep word, moet egter nie as h verskoning gebruik word om die begrip spesifieke leergestremdheid sodanig af te kraak dat die verskynsel se bestaansreg bevraagteken word nie. Inteendeel dit behoort die teelaarde te wees vir aandag geniet van persone uit verskillende dissiplines, soos onder andere onderwysers, opvoedkundiges, sielkundiges, psigiaters, spraakterapeute en pediaters, is dit voor die handliggend dat die werklike omskrywing en gepaardgaande identifisering en hantering van SLG in h groot mate afhang van die persoon se bepaalde ori�ntasie ten opsigte van SLG (Bryant, 1982; Goff, 1979). In die onderhawige ondersoek word kinders beskou as SLG indien hulle nieteenstaande normale verstandelike vermo�ns, sonder fisieke gebreke, probleme ervaar met spesifieke leervaardighede.Item 'n Psigo-Sosiale Studie van Tienerswangerskappe in die Noordelike Stadsgebiede van die Kaapse Skiereiland(University of Western Cape, 1990) Todt, Aletta Elizabeth; du Toit, J.B.Die verskynsel van tienerswangerskap kom in alle samelewingsvorme voor en toon 'n steeds stygende toename in alle w�relddele sodat dit deur sommige outeurs as epidemies beskou word (Chelala, 1988: 22). Dit vorm deel van die toename in bevolkingsgetalle en die sogenaamde bevolkingsontploffing. Gevolglik word die demografiese tendense be�nvloed en so vorm tienergeboortes 'n belangrike bydrae tot bevol_kingsgroei Die studie van tienerswangerskappe kan egter nie in isolasie benader word nie. Dit vorm deel van 'n kringloop van verwante samelewingsverskynsels wat oorsaaklik of gevolglik mag wees, byvoorbeeld bevolkingstoename en ander demografiese tendense, armoede, swak behuisingstoestande, drankmisbruik en dwelmverslawing, gebrekkige voeding en onderwys, om maar net 'n paar te noem. In hierdie studie sal daar gepoog word om aan te dui dat tienerswangerskap in verband gebring moet word met die interaksie van 'n verskeidenheid van dinamies interafhanklike psigo-sosiale verskynsels. Verder sal daar ondersoek ingestel word om te bepaal watter psigo-sosiale faktore spesifiek by die voorkoms van tienerswangerskap betrokke is.Item The journey to Wankie: a biography of James April(University of the Western Cape, 1990) Van Driel, Nicole; Hendricks, JohnJames April, [hereafter referred to as April] was a member of the ANC's military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe [otherwise referred to as MK. What might have seemed unusual to the court that day, and to many onlookers, was the fact that he was a "Cape Coloured" man espousing his allegiance to the ANC and praising it as" ... the spirit of the African people". April and Basil February Chis close friend and comrade] were among the first non-African people to join MK thereby recognising the common destiny of all black people. In part,to tell April's [and Basil February's] story is to explore from an individual perspective the capacity and ability of people to overcome their socialisation, and to rise above conformity and social restrictions. Most of all, April's story is of an activist whose political involvement led him to realise the inevitability and necessity of armed struggle. Furthermore, it is the story of the commitment of his life to this very armed struggle.Item With shouts of Afrika!�: The 1952 textile strike at good hope textiles, King William's town(Social Dynamics, 1990) Minkley, GaryThis paper, through a detailed examination of one of the biggest and most significant strikes in the East London region, suggests its importance lies both in the events and processes of the strike itself, and in its longer term impact on political traditions of union and popular struggle. It argues that a dynamic relationship developed between a newly emergent industrial working class in the textile industry, and an equally rapidly established local ATWIU, and local ANC branch. This resulted in the merging of a pattern of worker discontent and strike action with the ANCs Defiance Campaign in particular, and in so doing, the nature and direction of the strike was transformed. Finally it is argued that the defeat of this �mass� strike of defiance by the textile workers, laid the patterns and built the disillusions of future labour struggles in the region. � 1990 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.