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Item ABET programmes at community learning centres in the Western Cape(University of the Western Cape, 2006) Larney, Redewan; Kallaway, Peter; Omar, Rahmat; Faculty of EducationThe problem that gave rise to this study was to determine how Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) was implemented in the Western Cape and to find answers to the question of "what exactly is the nature of the relationship between adult education and training".Item Access to higher education: to break the vicious cycle of working class schools producing working class citizens(University of the Western Cape, 2007) Johnson, Dominic Denver.; Ravjee, N; Faculty of EducationThis study investigated why learners from low socio-economic communities such as Delft, a township in the Cape Flats, fail to achieve matriculation exemption and do not meet the criteria for tertiary education admission. Using a case study approach, the research sheds light on why this is happening in one school (School X) in Delft. It was found that the crucial factors to be both internal and external to the school.Item An analysis of the nature of parental involvement in school governance(University of the Western Cape, 2000) Qonde, Gwebinkundla Felix; Kruss, G; Dept. of Comparative Education; Faculty of EducationThe study is in response to the recently enacted South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996 (SASA), which sees the legislated inclusion of parents in school governing bodies. The Act promotes four distinct representative participants or stakeholders. These include parents, who constitute the majority, educators, learners and non-teaching staff. There is an indication that the SASA has tensions, ambiguities and contradictions which could allow either "consumer market" or "citizen equity" visions to prevail in practical terms. However, I argue that the SASA in practice is becoming dominated by the consumer vision that has a danger of creating unfair competition amongst schools and perpetuating the already existing inequalities in our society. In this mini-thesis, I attempt to investigate the nature of parental involvement in school governance in practice. I focus on their responsibilities in relation to policy matters as enshrined in the SASA, their commitment to executing their functions. The aim is to determine their capacity to fulfil their responsibilities with respect to their powers and functions.Item A comparison between the contexts learners in grades 8, 9 and 10 prefer for mathematical literacy(University of the Western Cape, 2006) Barnes, Mogamat Shaheed; Julie, Cyril; Faculty of EducationThe use of contexts in school mathematics is receiving much attention both nationally and internationally. This as well as the scarcity of research focusing on the topic stimulated me to research the contexts preferred by learners of mathematics. The large-scale project is called the Relevance of School Mathematics Education (ROSME) project. The current study essentially deals with that section of the larger project which investigates the issues and situations that learners in grades eight, nine and ten would prefer to deal with in mathematics. Broadly, this study focuses on the contexts preferred by grade 8, 9 and 10 learners as a domain in which to embed school mathematics.Item A comparison between the contexts learners in Grades 8, 9 and 10 prefer for mathematical literacy and gender(University of the Western Cape, 2008) Cornelissen, Belinda M.; Julie, Cyril; Mbekwa, Monde; Faculty of EducationFor many years, there have been calls for the mathematics curriculum in South African schools to be made more meaningful and relevant to young people's everyday lives. Despite efforts to address this issue, there is a widespread perception wihtin the mathematics education community that much remains to be seen. Broadly, this study focused on the contexts preferred by grade 8 , 9 and 10 learners as a domain in which to embed mathematics. The particular focus was on whether gender played a role in the preferences expressed by these learners for contexts.Item Context preferences of teachers in South Africa and South Korea for mathematics in schools(University of the Western Cape, 2007) Van Schalkwyk, Gregory Peter.; Julie, C; Faculty of EducationThe study was located within the project : Relevance of school mathematics Education (ROSME) of the Department of Dicactics at the University of the Western Cape. The research was undertaken in the belief that mathematics enables creative and logical reasoning about contextualised problems in the realm of the physical and social world as well as in the discipline mathematics itself. This research attempted to investigate the contextual issues that teachers have to deal with in mathematics education.Item The Contribution of Higher Education to Regional Socioeconomic Development : The University of Buea, Cameroon, as a Growth Pole(University of the Western Cape, 2010) Fongwa, Neba Samuel; Cloete, Nico; Ouma, Gerald Wangenge; Faculty of EducationThis research investigates how higher education institutions contribute to regional development, using the University of Buea in the Fako region as a case study. Policy documents reviewed and interviews with major stakeholders in the region, present a significant 'delink' or disjuncture between university policy and regional development efforts. This, from the policy perspective, has been strongly attributed to the national rather than to the regional mandate around which the university was established. However, data from the economic and social indicators investigated, reveal that the University of Buea by its very presence has been a significant agent in the development of the municipality.Item Decentralized health care services delivery in selected districts in Uganda(University of the Western Cape, 2005) Mayanja, Rehema; Meerkotter, Dirk; Holtman, Lorna; Oluka, Silas; Faculty of EducationDecentralization of health services in Uganda, driven by the structural adjustment programme of the World Bank, was embraced by government as a means to change the health institutional structure and process delivery of health services in the country. Arising from the decentralization process, the transfer of power concerning functions from the top administrative hierachy in health service provision to lower levels, constitutes a major shift in management, philosophy, infrastructure development, communication as well as other functional roles by actors at various levels of health care. This study focused its investigation on ways and levels to which the process of decentralization of health service delivery has attained efficient and effective provision of health services. The study also examined the extent to which the shift of health service provision has influenced the role of local jurisdictions and communities. Challenges faced by local government leaders in planning and raising funds in response to decentralized health serdelivery were examined.Item Developing academic writing at the National University of Rwanda: a case study of first year economics and management(University of the Western Cape, 2004) Kereni, Ildephonse; Kerfoot, Caroline; Faculty of EducationThis aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which writing skills offered in the one-year intensive English course and in the 75 hour course of Speaking and Writing Skills, prepare students for academic writing in the subjects which are offered through the medium of English. The study focused on first year Economics and Management.Item The development of the teacher support team in assisting teachers of learners with special educational needs in one school in Khayelitsha(University of the Western Cape, 2004) Thabana, M.; Lomofsky, Lilian; Faculty of EducationThis research study explored the process in the development of the Teacher Support Team in assisting teachers of learners with special educational needs in the mainstream classroom. This research was conducted in the context of the restructuring of the South African Education system. The Policy Document White Paper 6 (2001) states that all learners irrespective of the barriers to learning and development have a right to be educated in the ordinary school, together with their peers.Item Die Afname van Leerdergetalle by ʼn Hoërskool in ʼn Sub-ekonomiese Woonbuurt van Kaapstad(University of the Western Cape, 2006) Johnston, Michael Antony; Faculty of EducationThis research report investigated the impact of the decrease in numbers of learners at a working class high school in Cape Town. The decrease is a consequence of the early school leaving and learner migration.Item Effect of Vee-diagramming on grade 10 township learners understanding of some electrical concepts(University of the Western Cape, 2004) Ramahlape, Khalipha; Ogunniyi, Meshach B.; Faculty of EducationThis study was based on the Scientific and Technology Literacy Project study done between 1996 and 2001. It sought to determine whether Vee-diagramming could help enhance grade 10 township learners understanding of some aspects of electricity. It also sought to find out whether age and gender influenced the learners understanding of these concepts.Item Eritrean primary school teachers' perceptions of the relationship between pre-service education and the demands of the workplace(University of the Western Cape, 2001) Keflom , Tsegaye; Robinson, Maureen; Faculty of EducationThis study investigates six Eritrean primary school teacher's perceptions of their pre-service education. Six primary school teachers from three different schools in two different regions of Eritrea were interviewed. The researcher investigated whether primary school teachers found the knowledge and/or skill acquired from their pre-service courses in the Asmara Teachers' Training Institute helpful to make and use effective lesson plans, prepare and use relevant teaching aids, assess their students' performance, prepare lesson content, manage the classroom effectively, and select and use relevant teaching methods.Item An exploration of the use of African proverbs and metaphors in a visual communication design course(University of the Western Cape, 2007) Costandius, Elmarie; Walters, Shirley; Faculty of EducationThis study was envisioned to investigate and improve multicultural education in a visual communication design course. It aimed to explore the educational use of proverbs for the benefit of improving multicultural teaching and learning. Proverbs and metaphors are an essential source for the composition of visual narratives. Overall results of this study revealed that, even though proverbs are a significant part of the experience of black African students, the students seldom directly use narratives and proverbs as inspiration for their designs.Item Factors that contribute towards students' successful participation and completion of the intercontinental Masters Programme (Adult Learning and Global Change) at one of the partner universities(University of the Western Cape, 2007) February, Colette Ann; Walters, Shirley; Faculty of EducationThis Research sets out to understand the participation experiences of a selected group of adult learners at one of the partner institutionsof the online Intercontinental Masters in Adult Learning and Global Change. The study offers an understanding of adult learners' experiences of success and persistence in relation to online study within a higher education context, and also offers insights into what may costitute successful learning communities. In relation to literature, , the student perceptions obtained via the study largely affirm what 'successiful' can mean to a group of postgraduate adult learners in an online learning environment. This stidy also contributes to the ongoing conversation in terms of the unique experiences of students in one particular cohort of the programme.Item Global student migration patterns reflect and strengthen the hegemony of English as a global lingua franca: A case study of Chinese students at three tertiary institutions in Cape Town in the period 2002-2004(University of the Western Cape, 2005) Pandit, Goolam Hoosain; Hendricks, Natheem; Faculty of EducationThe objective of this research paper was to examine how, through the prism of student migration patterns, the domination of the English language is extended and entrenched. Using the example of Chinese students in South Africa, the paper explored some of the reasons that underpin South Africa's growing appeal as an international study destination. The research specifically focused on the period between 2002 and 2004 which witnessed Chinese students arriving in unprecedented numbers to pursue higher education in a post-apartheid South Africa.Item Grade 12 students conceptual understanding of chemical reactions: a case study of flouridation(University of the Western Cape, 2006) Mpofu, Nomathemba Victoria; Ogunniyi, Meshach B.; Faculty of EducationThe purpose of this study was to investigate grade 12 students conceptual understanding of chemical reaction using fluoridation of public water supply as a practical example of chemical reaction. The study also attempted to find out the effectiveness of concept mapping in facilitation the students understanding of chemical reaction, particularly redox reactions.Item Group work in management education - the role of task design(University of the Western Cape, 2007) Du Toit, Anna; Hendricks, Mohamed Natheem; Faculty of EducationThis theses examined adult learners' experiences of group work in management education. Group work is an integral part of learning and teaching methods at most business schools because it develops team skills demanded by today's workplace. Furthermore, group work in education is grounded in the belief that much learning happens through social interaction and that diversity within groups promotes learning. This study analysed learners' group experiences in a business school. The study also aimed to identify conditions that hinder and promote group interaction with a view to enhance learning.Item How do FET College educators explain the role and function of college occupational training units? A case study(University of the Western Cape, 2008) Needham, Seamus; Omar, Rahmat; Papier, Joy; Faculty of EducationThis paper documents a case study of the Innovation and Development Divisions of two public FET Colleges. The research asked the following question:How do FET College educators explain the role and function of college occupational training units.Item Impact of a partnership programme of African universities: A study of the perceptions of a group of white South African academics of their learning experiences(University of the Western Cape, 2004) Warner, Nan; Cooper, D.; Faculty of EducationThis research project was an in-depth case study, an investigation of a small sample of white South African male academics from the University of Cape Town who were part of the USHEPiA (University Science, Humanities, and Engineering Partnerships in Africa) initiative. The project investigated these University of Cape Town academics experiences and perceptions of another African country and university, and considered the effect that this might have had on the academic's own life.
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