A proteomic analysis of drought and salt stress responsive proteins of different sorghum varieties

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University of the Western Cape


This study reports on a proteomic analysis of sorghum proteomes in response to salt and hyperosmotic stresses. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to separate, visualise and identify sorghum proteins using both sorghum cell suspension cultures and whole plants. The sorghum cell suspension culture system was used as a source of culture filtrate (CF) proteins. Of the 25 visualised CBB stained CF spots, 15 abundant and well-resolved spots were selected for identification using a combination of MALDI-TOF and MALDI-TOFTOF MS, and database searching. Of these spots, 14 were positively identified as peroxidases, germin proteins, oxalate oxidases and alpha-galactosidases with known functions in signalling processes, defense mechanisms and cell wall metabolism.


Philosophiae Doctor - PhD


Sorghum proteomics, Cereals, Drought and salinity stresses, Sorghum cell suspension cultures, Secretome, 2D SDS-PAGE, MALDI-TOF MS, MALDI-TOF-TOF MS, Protein identification, Proteome reference maps
