JHKs time-series observations of a few ultracool dwarfs

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Oxford University Press


The M8.5 object SSSPM J0109−5101 has recently been shown to be both a periodic and a flaring variable, based on optical observations in the extreme red. More than 16 h of monitoring in the near-infrared (NIR) reported here failed to show any variability. Similarly, no NIR variability could be detected in intensive monitoring of three other suspected optical variables. This paper also reports on photometry of half a dozen targets monitored over a few weeks, and on the comparison of intensive monitoring at different epochs. In only one case, that of the T dwarf binary Indi Bab, is there good evidence for variability. Our results allow stringent limits to be placed on the NIR variability levels in a large sample of ultracool dwarfs.



Techniques: photometric, Stars: individual: Indi Bab, Stars: individual: SSSPM J0109−5101, Stars: low-mass, brown dwarfs, Stars: variables: other


Koen, C. et al. (2005). JHKs time-series observations of a few ultracool dwarfs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 362: 727–736