Farming the city: The broken promise of urban agriculture

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Urban population growth is extremely rapid across Africa and this book places urban food and nutrition security firmly on the development and policy agenda. It shows that current efforts to address food poverty in Africa that focus entirely on small-scale farmers, to the exclusion of broader socio-economic and infrastructural approaches, are misplaced and will remain largely ineffective in ameliorating food and nutrition insecurity for the majority of Africans. Using original data from the African Food Security Urban Network�s (AFSUN) extensive database it is demonstrated that the primary food security challenge for urban households is access to food. Already linked into global food systems and value chains, Africa�s supply of food is not necessarily in jeopardy. Rather, the widespread poverty and informal urban fabric that characterizes Africa�s emerging cities impinge directly on households� capacity to access food that is readily available.



Food, Nutrition security, Southern African cities, Food poverty


Crush, J. et al. (2019). Farming the city: The broken promise of urban agriculture. in B. Frayne, J.Crush ., & C. McCordic (Eds). Food and nutrition security in Southern African cities:222.London: Routledge.