Body image satisfaction among a sample of black female South African students

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Society for Personality Research (Inc.)


Numerous research studies have established a strong relationship between body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. As more and more young people in South Africa embrace Western values, the aspiration to attain the Western body ideal of beauty may be putting some women at risk of developing eating disorders. This study focused on body image satisfaction among a sample of 150 black South African female university students. Data were collected using a revised Body Shape Questionnaire (Cooper, Taylor, Cooper, & Fairburn, 1987). The results showed the majority of the women were satisfied with their body image. However, there was a minority who engaged in unhealthy eating behaviors. Implications of the findings are discussed.



Black Female, South African, Body Image, Satisfaction


Mwaba, K. & Roman, N.V. (2009). Body image satisfaction among a sample of black female South African students. Social Behaviour and Personality, 37 (7): 905-910