Evaluation of a new clinical performance assessment tool: a reliability study

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AOSIS publishing


Clinical practice is an essential requirement of any graduate physiotherapy programme. For this purpose, valid and reliable assessment tools are paramount for the measurement of key competencies in the real-world setting. This study aims to determine the internal consistency and inter-rater reliability of a newly developed and validated clinical performance assessment form. A cross-sectional quantitative research design was used, which included paired evaluations of 32 (17 treatment and 15 assessment) student examinations performed by two independent clinical educators. Chronbachs alpha was computed to assess internal consistency and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC’s) with confidence intervals of 95% were computed to determine the percentage agreement between paired examiners. The degree of internal consistency was substantial for all key performance areas of both examinations, except for time and organisational management (0.21) and professionalism (0.42) in the treatment and evaluation examinations respectively. The overall internal consistency was 0.89 and 0.73 for both treatment and assessment examinations, indicating substantial agreement. With regard to agreement between raters, the ICC’s for the overall marks were 0.90 and 0.97 for both treatment and assessment examinations. Clinical educators demonstrated a high level of reliability in the assessment of students’ competence using the newly developed clinical performance assessment form. These findings greatly underscore the reliability of results obtained through observation of student examinations, and add another tool to the basket of ensuring quality assurance in physiotherapy clinical practice assessment.



Clinical perfomance assessment form, Internal consistency, Inter-rater reliability


Joseph, C. et al. (2012). Evaluation of a new clinical performance assessment tool: a reliability study, South African Journal of Physiotherapy, 68(3): 15-19