Basic rights claims How responsive is ‘reasonableness review’?

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ESR Review


South Africa’s 1996 Constitution (the Constitution) is widely renowned for its holistic, inclusive Bill of Rights. A particular innovation is its inclusion of a wide range of fully justiciable socio-economic rights. There is now a burgeoning body of jurisprudence from the Constitutional Court interpreting these rights. There can be little doubt that South African jurisprudence has given a significant boost to international endeavors to protect socio-economic rights. Through its jurisprudence, the Court has to achieve a critical balance between effectively protecting the socio-economic rights of the poor, while also respecting the roles of the legislature and executive as the primary branches of government responsible for realising socio-economic rights.



Reasonableness review, Minimum core obligation, Socio-economic rights, South Africa, Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996


Liebenberg, S. 2004. Basic rights claims How responsive is ‘reasonableness review’? ESR Review. 5/5, 7-11