Herschel*-ATLAS: correlations between dust and gas in local submm-selected galaxies


We present an analysis of CO molecular gas tracers in a sample of 500 μ m-selected Herschel -ATLAS galaxies at z < 0 . 05 ( cz < 14990 km s − 1 ). Using 22 − 500 μ m photom- etry from WISE , IRAS and Herschel , with H i data from the literature, we investigate correlations between warm and cold dust, and tracers of the gas in different phases. The correlation between global CO(3–2) line fluxes and FIR–submm fl uxes weakens with increasing IR wavelength ( λ & 60 μ m), as a result of colder dust being less strongly associated with dense gas. Conversely, CO(2–1) and H i line fluxes both ap- pear to be better correlated with longer wavelengths, suggesting that cold dust is more strongly associated with diffuse atomic and molecular gas phases, co nsistent with it being at least partially heated by radiation from old stellar populations . The increased scatter at long wavelengths implies that sub-millimetre fluxes are a po orer tracer of SFR. Fluxes at 22 and 60 μ m are also better correlated with diffuse gas tracers than dense CO(3–2), probably due to very-small-grain emission in the diffu se interstellar medium, which is not correlated with SFR. The FIR/CO luminosity ratio a nd the dust mass/CO luminosity ratio both decrease with increasing luminosit y, as a result of either correlations between mass and metallicity (changing CO/H 2 ) or between CO luminosity and excitation [changing CO(3–2)/CO(1–0)].



Interstellar medium (ISM), Radio lines, Galaxies, Submillimeter galaxies, Spectral energy distribution (SED), Herschel


Bourne, N., et al. (2013). Herschel*-ATLAS: correlations between dust and gas in local submm-selected galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436 (1): 479-502.