Using geostatistical-hydrogeological approach to develop groundwater monitoring system in South Western Karoo, South Africa
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University of the Western Cape
Groundwater in the South Western Karoo plays a vital role in the overall water supply in the
region. However, this resource is vulnerable to impacts from anthropogenic and natural
activities. Mitigating the impacts on groundwater quality and quantity depends on the
information provided by groundwater monitoring networks. The information provided by
groundwater monitoring networks allow for timely and effective intervention to take place
before widespread degradation occurs. In recent times, there has been interest in exploiting
potentially vast natural resources of shale gas in the South Western Karoo. However, studies
have highlighted links between shale gas development and groundwater contamination. There
are concerns that these issues of groundwater contamination and overexploitation can occur
in the South Western Karoo during shale gas development. One of the key features that need
addressing is the lack of a statistically sound baseline that can inform on the natural
conditions of the groundwater system, before development of shale gas exploitation.
Magister Scientiae - MSc (Environ & Water Science)