Philosophy of education in a new key: Cultivating a living philosophy of education to overcome coloniality and violence in African Universities


In this conversational article, we consider cultivating decoloniality in university education by drawing upon Jacques Ranci ere�s (2010) notion of a living philosophy. Ranci ere�s (2010) living philosophy holds the possibility of both a medium and a space for a re-thinking and a re-contemplation of what life is in relation to what it might be. Through engaging and sharing real human experiences from and within African societies and universities, we (re)imagine decoloniality as a fiction brought to life through a living philosophy of education. In this regard, we proffer eight points of departure and reflection.



Cultivating decoloniality, Living philosophy, University education, Philosophy of education, African universities


Waghid, Y. et al. (2020). Philosophy of education in a new key: Cultivating a living philosophy of education to overcome coloniality and violence in African Universities. Educational Philosophy and Theory.1(1), 1-14 .DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1793714