Radiographic outcome of secondary alveolar bone grafting in patients with alveolar clefts


Objective: To determine the outcome of secondary alveolar bone grafting (SABG) in a series of consecutive patients with clefts involving the alveolus.Design and Setting: Retrospective cohort study of consecutive operations per-formed between June 2011 and September 2016 by a single surgeon at a single United Kingdom cleft center.Participants: A total of 160 patients with a cleft/s involving the alveolus, inclusive of syndromic patients and those with atypical facial clefts.Interventions: A standard protocol involved an oral hygiene program, pre-surgical orthodontics where necessary and autologous bone grafting from the iliac crest.Main Outcome Measure(s): The Kindelan bone-fill index was used to evaluate suc-cess using occlusal radiographs. Weighted Cohen's kappa coefficient was used as a measure of intra- and inter- rater agreement. Fisher's exact test was used to examine the effects of type of cleft, pre-surgical orthodontics or age at time of SABG on ra-diographic outcome.Results: There were 200 SABGs assessed. Mean age at time of SABG was 9.1 years old (SD 1.1) with 99% (n =198) of grafts deemed successful. There were two fail-ures where re- graft was performed successfully during the study period. A grade 1 outcome was achieved for 92.5% (n = 185) of grafts and this did not appear to be af-fected by type of cleft (P= .290), pre-surgical orthodontics (P= .380) or age at time of SABG (P= .081).Conclusions: The high success rate reported in this study supports the favorable out-comes of a high-volume cleft surgeon. These findings can be used for comparative audit with similar units providing cleft care.



alveolar bone grafting, cleft lip, cleft palate, orthodontics


Radiographic Outcome of Secondary Alveolar Bone Grafting in Patients with Alveolar Clefts.ā€ Orthodontics and craniofacial research. 25.1 (2022): 128ā€“133