Books and Book Chapters

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    Verso un mercato del lavoro di cura: questioni giuridiche e nodi istituzionali
    (ADAPT University Press, 2022) Casano, Lili
    Personal care has traditionally been a responsibility placed, in our country, on the family dimension, penalizing women who have always supported the burden of this work inside and outside the home. An undervalued, unrecognized, underpaid, even invisible job. Recently, in the face of the emergence of real emergencies (amplified by the pandemic crisis) and increasingly complex and differentiated assistance needs, some steps have been taken towards recognizing the role of family caregivers. However, there are no significant interventions in terms of the emergence, promotion and valorisation of care work performed professionally. In particular, there is a lack of awareness of the need for a type of structural regulation suitable for the emergence and governance of a dignified care work market. A direction taken by collective bargaining which tries with difficulty to lay the foundations for a social construction of this market. The contributions collected here aim to offer the reader some little-known conceptual coordinates and normative data to start a new reflection on care work, in the belief that this also represents a precious opportunity to redefine the logic underlying the functioning of modern labor markets and society. as a whole. La cura della persona è stata una responsabilità tradizionalmente rimessa, nel nostro Paese, alla dimensione familiare, penalizzando le donne che hanno da sempre sostenuto il carico di questo lavoro dentro e fuori dalle mura domestiche. Un lavoro sottovalutato, non riconosciuto, sottopagato, persino invisibile. Di recente, a fronte dell’emergere di vere e proprie emergenze (amplificate dalla crisi pandemica) e di bisogni di assistenza sempre più complessi e differenziati, alcuni passi sono stati compiuti sul fronte del riconoscimento del ruolo dei caregiver familiari. Non si registrano invece interventi significativi sul fronte della emersione, promozione e valorizzazione del lavoro di cura prestato professionalmente. Manca, in particolare, la consapevolezza della necessità di un tipo di regolazione strutturale idonea a fare emergere e governare un mercato del lavoro di cura dignitoso. Una direzione intrapresa dalla contrattazione collettiva che prova con fatica a porre le basi per una costruzione sociale di questo mercato. I contributi qui raccolti vogliono offrire al lettore alcune coordinate concettuali e dati normativi poco conosciuti per avviare una nuova riflessione sul lavoro di cura, nella convinzione che ciò rappresenti anche una preziosa occasione per ridefinire le logiche sottese al funzionamento dei moderni mercati del lavoro e della società nel suo complesso.
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    South African labour law
    (Juta, 2022) Benjamin, Paul; Thompson, Clive; ;
    Staying abreast of legislative changes is now of crucial importance to employers, trade unionists, government officials and practitioners who have to deal with the completely revolutionized face of labour law in South Africa. This work is therefore of use to anyone interested in labour law. It contains the text of all the important Acts and Regulations together with comprehensive case notes and commentary. Housed in two loose-leaf binders, it has been acclaimed as the authoritative work on our labour laws in South Africa.
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    Genuine autonomous work: toward a tailor-made social protection
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) Ales, Edoardo
    This chapter aims at providing a conceptual framework to social protection of genuine autonomous work, with a reference to solopreneurs, analyzing socioeconomic risks and needs they are facing and that may differ from the traditional ones profiled on subordinate work. The author criticizes the “package approach” of some legislators that just extends Labour Law and Social Security protection typical of subordination to autonomous work. He reflects on the potential of reflexive labour law to set up a regulatory system based on “self-organized diversity” where the interests of individuals, groups and society can find an adequate balance. The author draws three conclusions in the perspective of: singling out the very notion of genuine autonomous workers, outside the shadow of the “false self-employed” doctrine; removing any existing ungrounded legal obstacles to self-organization of autonomous workers; promoting self-organization of autonomous workers on platforms.
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    Workers, platforms and the state: the struggle over digital labour platform regulation
    (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021) du Toit, Darcy; Englert, Sai; Graham, Mark
    This chapter discusses the arguments made by digital labour platforms - and their supporters - in favour of self-regulation. Against their claims that platform self-regulation is a preferable alternative to state intervention, for the shared benefit of shareholders, workers, and consumers, this chapter argues that in practice platforms have mobilised existing laws when they found them useful, while leveraging their economic power and popularity to undermine others. This process has led to the weakening of labour regulations, the deterioration of pay and conditions for digital labour platform workers, and to the reshaping of state and national laws to the advantage of platforms. This chapter points to emerging alternatives in the form of regulatory initiatives from below, led by platform workers themselves, and amplified by a constellation of supporters.
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    Nigeria’s political, economic, and social dynamics in a pandemic era
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023) Osiki, Abigail; Stojanović, Aleksandar; Scarcella, Luisa; Mosalagae, Christina R.
    This chapter examines the impact of Nigeria’s containment and mitigation strategies established at the outbreak of the pandemic in the country. The chapter asserts that government intervention reflected a holistic approach which included practical welfare strategies to facilitate the provision of essentials vital for social-economic stability and development. While this approach suggests a significant shift in the government’s neoliberalist stance to a more welfarist outlook, the strategies fail to achieve the desired result due to certain prevailing factors such as corruption and weak institutions. The chapter emphasises the need to urgently tackle the prevalence of these vices to halt the country’s looming socio-economic crisis.
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    Domestic work and platformisation in India and South Africa: A look at enablers and barriers
    (University of the Western Cape, 2022) Mullagee, Fairuz; Nangalia, Nitya; Hiriyur, Salonie Muralidhara
    Globally, the domestic work sector is both highly informal and highly feminised. This article will compile learnings from the domestic work sector in two countries of the Global South — India and South Africa — concerning the emerging digital economy and its effects on workers. To do so, it will explore the rise of the platform economy in the context of a digital gender divide and highlight initiatives from India and South Africa seeking to improve access to the opportunities offered by digital platforms as well as empowering platform workers through the development of platform cooperatives.