Statistics for UWC Research Output

Total visits

Amhara, Oromo, and Tigray political cultures and challenges of political stability in Ethiopia: 1991–2017 90
Discrimination on an ‘arbitrary ground’ and the right of access to justice 81
Covid-19 Impacts: Household Food Production, Agroecology, Rural Livelihoods and Alternative Food Systems 71
South Africa: anthropology or anthropologies? 70
Global land deals: What has been done, what has changed, and what’s next? 66
The effects of parental monitoring and communication on adolescent substance use and risky sexual activity: A systematic review 64
Analysis of the Impact of Fiscal policy on economic growth in South Africa: VECM approach 63
The voices of smallholders and women in Tanzania’s agricultural corridor 61
The negotiated nation: Evaluation of nation building in the post-apartheid South Africa 57
Climate change and rural livelihoods in Southern Africa: An agenda for policy-oriented research 54