Statistics for UWC Research Output

Total visits

Discrimination on an ‘arbitrary ground’ and the right of access to justice 107
Amhara, Oromo, and Tigray political cultures and challenges of political stability in Ethiopia: 1991–2017 94
South Africa: anthropology or anthropologies? 75
Covid-19 Impacts: Household Food Production, Agroecology, Rural Livelihoods and Alternative Food Systems 74
The effects of parental monitoring and communication on adolescent substance use and risky sexual activity: A systematic review 72
Analysis of the Impact of Fiscal policy on economic growth in South Africa: VECM approach 70
Global land deals: What has been done, what has changed, and what’s next? 67
The voices of smallholders and women in Tanzania’s agricultural corridor 62
The negotiated nation: Evaluation of nation building in the post-apartheid South Africa 60
Perceptions of nursing students regarding factors influencing their learning in a clinical skills laboratory at a school of nursing in the western cape province 57