Low- And medium-spin negative-parity bands in the Os 187 nucleus

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American Physical Society


Low- and medium-spin negative-parity bands of Os187 have been studied using the AFRican Omnipurpose Detector for Innovative Techniques and Experiments (AFRODITE) array, following the W186(He4,3n)Os187 reaction at a beam energy of 37 MeV. In the current work, all the previously known bands have been significantly extended and three new bands have been added to the level scheme. The angular distribution ratio (RAD) and polarization measurements have been used to assign spin and parity to the observed new levels. The configurations of some of the bands have been modified. The observed bands are interpreted within the cranked shell model (CSM) and cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky-Bogoliubov (CNSB) formalism. Comparison with experimental data shows good agreements. Systematic comparison with the neighboring Os185 isotope is also discussed.



Low- and medium-spin, AFRican Omnipurpose Detector, Angular distribution ratio (RAD), Polarization


Sithole, M. A. et al. (2021). Low- And medium-spin negative-parity bands in the Os 187 nucleus.Physical Review C, 103(2),024325