Avihepadnavirus diversity in parrots is comparable to that found amongst all other avian species


Avihepadna viruses have previously been isolated from various species of duck ,goose, stork, heron and crane. Recently the first parrot avihepadna virus was isolated from a Ring-necked Parakeet in Poland. In this study, 41 psittacineliver samples archived in Poland over the last nine years were tested for presence of Parrot hepatitis B virus(PHBV). We cloned and sequenced PHBVisolates from 18 birds including a Crimson Rosella, an African grey parrot and sixteen Ring-necked Parakeets. PHBVisolates display a degree of diversity (478% genome wide pair wise identity) that is comparable to that found amongst all other avihepadna viruses (479% genome wide pair wise identity). The PHBV viruses can be subdivided into seven genetically distinct groups (tentatively named A-G) of which the two isolated of PHBV-Gare the most divergent sharing 79% genome wide pair wise identity with all their PHBVs. All PHBV isolates display classical avihepadnavirus genome architecture.



Avihepadnaviruses, Psittacines, Hepatitis Bvirus, Parrot hepatitisBvirus


Piasecki, T. et al. (2013). Avihepadnavirus diversity in parrots is comparable to that found amongst all other avian species. Virology, 438: 98-105