Coulomb excitation of 66ge

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University of Western Cape


The Coulomb excitation of 66Ge has been performed for the rst time using \safe" bombarding energies at the HIE-ISOLDE facility at CERN in July 2017. A particle- coincidence experiment using the MINIBALL array and double-sided silicon detectors has allowed the determination of transitional and diagonal matrix elements in 66Ge, yielding new measurements of the reduced transition probability connecting the ground state, 0+1 , and the rst excited state, 2+1 , or B(E2; 2+1 ! 0+1 ) value, and the spectroscopic quadrupole moment of the 2+1 state, QS (2+1 ). A relatively large B(E2) = 29:4(30) W.u. has been extracted using beam-gated data at forward angles { less sensitive to secondorder e ects { as compared with the adopted value of 16:9(7) W.u., but in closer agreement with modern large-scale shell-model calculations using a variety of e ective interactions and beyond-mean eld calculations presented in the current work.


Philosophiae Doctor - PhD


Coulomb excitation, Reorientation effect, Shape coexistence, Neutron-de cient nuclei
