How galaxy properties vary with filament proximity in the SIMBA simulations
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Oxford University Press
We explore the dependence of global galaxy properties in the SIMBA simulation as a function of distance from filaments identified using DISPERSE. We exclude haloes with mass Mh > 1013 M to mitigate the impact of group and cluster environments. Galaxies near filaments are more massive and have more satellites, which we control for by examining deviations from best-fitting scaling relations. At z = 0, star formation (SF) is significantly suppressed within 100 kpc of filaments, more strongly for satellites, indicating substantial pre-processing in filaments. By z = 2, the trend is weak and if anything indicates an increase in SF activity close to filaments. The suppression at z 1 is accompanied by lowered H I fractions, and increased metallicities, quenched fractions, and dispersion-dominated systems. H2 fractions are not strongly suppressed when controlling for stellar mass, suggesting that SF efficiency drives the drop in SF. By comparing amongst different SIMBA feedback variant runs, we show that the majority of SF suppression owes to filamentary shock-heating, but there is a non-trivial additional effect from AGN feedback. When looking around massive (Mh > 1013 M) haloes, those galaxies near filaments behave somewhat differently, indicating that filaments provide an additional environmental effect relative to haloes.
galaxies: evolution, large-scale structure of Universe, methods: numerical
Bulichi, T.E., Davé, R. and Kraljic, K., 2024. How galaxy properties vary with filament proximity in the SIMBA simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529(3), pp.2595-2610.