Book Review: The Future of African Customary Law

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University of the Western Cape


In the abstract of "The Future of African Customary Law" the editors state that it …is intended to promote discussion and understanding of customary law and to explore its continued relevance in sub-Saharan Africa…[It] considers the characteristics of customary law and efforts to ascertain and codify customary law, and how this body of law differs in content, form, and status from legislation and common law. It also addresses a number of substantive areas of customary law including the role and power of traditional authorities; customary criminal law; customary land tenure, property rights and intestate succession; and the relationship between customary law, human rights and gender equality.



customary law, African customary law, sub-Saharan Africa, Law, intestate succession, customary land tenure, property rights, traditional authorities


Moosa, N., 2012. Book Review:" The Future of African Customary Law". Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad, 15(5).