"She is my teacher and if it was not for her I would be dead": Exploration of rural South African community health workers' information, education and communication activities

dc.contributor.authorZulliger, Rose
dc.contributor.authorMoshabela, Mosa
dc.contributor.authorSchneider, Helen
dc.description.abstractCommunity health workers (CHWs) are important resources in health systems affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. International guidelines on task-shifting recommend that CHWs can provide diverse HIV services, ranging from HIV prevention to counselling patients for lifelong antiretroviral therapy. There is, however, little evidence on the experiences with CHW delivery of these services in Africa. This qualitative study included 102 interviews that explored experiences with information, education and communication (IEC) activities provided by CHWs within rural South Africa. Semi- structured interviews were conducted with CHWs (n = 17), their clients (n = 33) and the primary caregivers of these clients (n = 30), allowing for data source triangulation. Twenty-two follow-up interviews explored emergent themes from preliminary interviews. Despite limited formal education and training, CHWs in this study were significant providers of IEC, including provision of generic health talks and HIV-specific information and facilitation to support clients’ entry and maintenance in the formal health system. They often incorporated local knowledge and understanding of illness in their communication. CHWs in this study were able to bridge the lifeworlds of the community and the formal services to expedite access and adherence to local clinics and other services. As mediators between the two worlds, CHWs reinterpreted health information to make it comprehensible in their communities. With growing formalisation of CHW programmes in South Africa and elsewhere, CHWs’ important role in health service access, health promotion and health maintenance must be recognised and supported in order to maximise impact.en_US
dc.description.accreditationWeb of Science
dc.identifier.citationZulliger, R. et al. (2013). “She is my teacher and if it was not for her I would be dead”: Exploration of rural South African community health workers' information, education and communication activities. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 26(5): 626-632en_US
dc.publisherTaylor & Francisen_US
dc.rightsThis is the author-version of the article published online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2013.841839
dc.subjectCommunity health workeren_US
dc.subjectSouth Africaen_US
dc.subjectHealth educationen_US
dc.subjectHealth promotionen_US
dc.subjectEducation and communicationen_US
dc.title"She is my teacher and if it was not for her I would be dead": Exploration of rural South African community health workers' information, education and communication activitiesen_US


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