The complex physics of dusty star-forming galaxies at high redshifts as revealed by Herschel and Spitzer

dc.contributor.authorLo Faro, Barbara
dc.contributor.authorFranceschini, Alberto
dc.contributor.authorVaccari, M.
dc.contributor.authorSilva, L.
dc.contributor.authorRodighiero, G.
dc.contributor.authorBerta, S.
dc.contributor.authorBock, J.
dc.contributor.authorBurgarella, D.
dc.contributor.authorBuat, V.
dc.contributor.authorCava, A.
dc.contributor.authorClements, D.L.
dc.contributor.authorCooray, Asantha
dc.contributor.authorFarrah, D.
dc.contributor.authorFeltre, Anna
dc.contributor.authorGonzalez-Solares, Eduardo A.
dc.contributor.authorHurley, P.
dc.contributor.authorLutz, D.
dc.contributor.authorMagdis, G.
dc.contributor.authorMagnelli, B.
dc.contributor.authorMarchetti, L.
dc.contributor.authorOliver, S.J.
dc.contributor.authorPage, Matthew J.
dc.contributor.authorPopesso, P.
dc.contributor.authorPozzi, F.
dc.contributor.authorRigopoulou, D.
dc.contributor.authorRowan-Robinson, M.
dc.contributor.authorRoseboom, I.G.
dc.contributor.authorScott, Douglas
dc.contributor.authorSmith, A.J.
dc.contributor.authorSymeonidis, Myrto
dc.contributor.authorWang, L.
dc.contributor.authorWuyts, S.
dc.description.abstractWe combine far-infrared photometry from Herschel (PEP/HerMES) with deep mid-infrared spectroscopy from Spitzer to investigate the nature and the mass assembly history of a sample of 31 luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies ((U)LIRGs) at z ∼ 1 and 2 selected in GOODS-S with 24μm fluxes between 0.2 and 0.5 mJy.We model the data with a self-consistent physical model (GRASIL) which includes a state-of-the-art treatment of dust extinction and reprocessing. We find that all of our galaxies appear to require massive populations of old (>1 Gyr) stars and, at the same time, to host a moderate ongoing activity of star formation (SFR 100M yr−1). The bulk of the stars appear to have been formed a few Gyr before the observation in essentially all cases. Only five galaxies of the sample require a recent starburst superimposed on a quiescent star formation history.We also find discrepancies between our results and those based on optical-only spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting for the same objects; by fitting their observed SEDs with our physical model we find higher extinctions (by ΔAV ∼ 0.81 and 1.14) and higher stellar masses (by Δlog(M ) ∼ 0.16 and 0.36 dex) for z ∼ 1 and z ∼ 2 (U)LIRGs, respectively. The stellar mass difference is larger for the most dust-obscured objects. We also find lower SFRs than those computed from LIR using the Kennicutt relation due to the significant contribution to the dust heating by intermediate-age stellar populations through “cirrus” emission (∼73% and ∼66% of the total LIR for z ∼ 1 and z ∼ 2 (U)LIRGs, respectively).en_US
dc.description.accreditationDepartment of HE and Training approved list
dc.identifier.citationLo Faro, B. et al. (2013). The complex physics of dusty star-forming galaxies at high redshifts as revealed by Herschel and Spitzer. The Astrophysical Journal , 762 (108): 1-13en_US
dc.publisherIOP Publishingen_US
dc.rightsPublisher retains copyright. Authors may archive the published version in their institutional repository.
dc.subjectEvolution – galaxiesen_US
dc.subjectGeneral – galaxiesen_US
dc.subjectInteractions – galaxiesen_US
dc.titleThe complex physics of dusty star-forming galaxies at high redshifts as revealed by Herschel and Spitzeren_US


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