Identification, sequence analysis, and phylogeny of the immediate early gene 1 of the trichoplusia ni single nucleocapsid polyhedrosis virus

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Springer Verlag


Substantial research has been conducted on the immediate early 1 (ie-1) genes from the prototype baculovirus Autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) and the Orgyia pseudotsugata multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (OpMNPV). In both cases ie-1 gene products have been implicated in transcriptional activation and repression. In this study an ie-1 homolog was identified from Trichoplusia ni single nucleocapsid polyhedrosis virus (TniSNPV). Nucleotide sequence analysis indicated that the TniSNPV ie-1 gene consists of a 2217 nucleotide open reading frame (ORF), encoding a protein with a molecular mass of 84.464 kDa. This represents the largest baculovirus ie-1 gene characterised to date. Of the seven ie-1 homologs identified to date, the TniSNPV ie-1 shared most sequence similarity with the ie-1 gene of Spodoptera exigua MNPV (SeMNPV) (41%). At the nucleotide level, expected TATA and CAGT motifs were found to precede each ie-1 ORF. At the protein level, it was confirmed that the N-termini are poorly conserved, but share the characteristic of having a high proportion of acidic amino acids. In addition it was found that N-terminal regions significantly matched the SET domain in the Swiss-Prot prosite database. The C-terminal regions of the deduced IE-1 sequences were found to be substantially more conserved than the N-termini. Several conserved motifs were identified in the C-terminal sequences. A phylogenetic tree of nine baculovirus IE-1 proteins was constructed using maximum parsimony analysis. The phylogenetic estimation of the ie-1 genes shows that TniSNPV is a member of the previously described lepidopteran NPV group II and it is most closely related to SeMNPV.



Baculovirus, Trichoplusia ni, Immediate early1 gene, Protein analysis, Phylogeny


Wang, W., et al. (2001). Identification, sequence analysis, and phylogeny of the immediate early gene 1 of the trichoplusia ni single nucleocapsid polyhedrosis virus. Virus Genes, 23(1): 53-62