Alleviating poverty through retirement reforms
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Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)
Older persons in South Africa may be described as a sizeable but vulnerable group requiring
specific protection. One of the ways in which the country can provide for the socio-economic
needs of its older population is through social security benefits. This chapter provides an overview
of the current deficits in the provision of social security to older persons. The aims of this chapter
are to explain why reforms of the current retirement income system are necessary and to illustrate
how retirement reforms may be utilised to address poverty not only of older persons, but other
members of their households as well. The argument is made that this goal can only be achieved
if retirement reforms form part of comprehensive social security reforms that are based on the
realisation of the right of access to social security
social security, older persons, South Africa, poverty alleviation, retirement reforms
Malherbe, K., 2020. Alleviating poverty through retirement reforms in Exploring the link between poverty and human rights in Africa. Pretoria: PULP.