An empirical investigation of ethnic-cultural procedural fairness effects and their boundary conditions among three societal groups in South Africa
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Ethnic-cultural procedural fairness refers to the perception that societal actors use fair and unbiased procedures to make decisions is-à-vis one’s ethnic-cultural group. Prior research using ethnic-cultural minority samples has convincingly shown that such perceptions are associated with a range of desirable outcomes. Yet, this body of evidence has so far limited its scope to European and North American samples. Moreover, more research is needed on the underlying psychological processes. Therefore, the central aim of the present study was to investigate ethnic-cultural procedural fairness effects among three societal groups in South Africa. In Study 1 (N = 326 black South Africans), we observed relationships between ethnic-cultural fairness perceptions and positive institutional and intergroup attitudes. Institutional and social trust respectively mediated these associations. Study 2(N = 747) replicated these findings among white (n = 595), but not among coloured South Africans (n = 152). Notably, across both studies, we also obtained evidence for moderation. That is, procedural fairness effects on institutional attitudes were significantly smaller among socioeconomically burdened black participants, and procedural fairness effects on intergroup attitudes were fully curbed among white participants who reported high levels of perceived group discrimination. Taken together, our results call for enhanced attention to procedural fairness obstacles outside of typical WEIRD settings.
Ethnic-cultural procedural fairness, institutional trust, non-WEIRD societies, social trust, South Africa
Dierckx, K., Rothmann, I., Swart, H., Du Plessis, M., Valcke, B., Esterhuizen, S., Kloppers, M., Mynhardt, E., Ndlovu, S.G., Sekwena, E.K. and Van Hiel, A., 2024. An empirical investigation of ethnic-cultural procedural fairness effects and their boundary conditions among three societal groups in South Africa. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, pp.1-26.