Design principles to develop digital innovation skills: a design‑based research approach

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The digitisation of the world has led to a multitude of far-reaching implications that require students to be prepared for the dynamic era of rapid change, complexity, fluidity, and ubiquity in which they will work at the forefront of technology. To succeed in this environment, students must be able to design and implement digital innovations within the broader spectrum of digital transformation. Despite the importance of this area, the literature shows a lack of research on how digital business innovation skills can be effectively taught to students. To address this gap, a design-based research (DBR) study was conducted using a mixed-methods design through three iterations at a South African university. The study aimed to answer the research question of how digital business innovation skills should be taught to South African Information Systems students. The study commenced with an analysis of practical problems experienced by practitioners, industry, students, and researchers and an initial review of pertinent literature.



Authentic learning, Design principles, Design-based research, Digital innovation, Future work


van den Berg, C. and Bozalek, V., 2024. Design principles to develop digital innovation skills: a design-based research approach. Educational technology research and development, 72(2), pp.947-972.