Development consortium: HCI across borders
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Association for Computing Machinery
Though every country and context is unique, and much
of HCI research aims to design for situatedness, there
are lessons to be learned across borders, across
contexts. Questions we ask include: What are common
themes that tie together different contexts? For
instance, could a maternal health project in India
benefit from lessons learned from a project in Kenya
and vice versa? How can we, as a global HCI4D
community, work within countries and across them as
well? The short-term goal of this event is to link
research and practice across disparate HCI4D contexts
by creating a forum for conversations where 'HCI4Ders'
from across the globe can speak and be heard, as they
develop themes of common interests, and work on
potential projects or proposals to concretely target an
action plan they can pursue as collaborators. Our longterm
goal is to advance HCI4D research so that, as a
community, we can engage more productively in
research conversations that focus on learning and
collaborating across borders.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computing technologies
Peters, A. et al. (2016). Development consortium:
HCI across borders. ACM Digital Library. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems: 3620-3627