Streaming difference(s): Netflix and the branding of diversity

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SAGE Publications


Since 2020, Netflix has emphasised the diversity of representation the platform provides through its content. Following the publication of its diversity report, the streamer positions itself as a driver of inclusion for underrepresented communities in film and television industries. This article examines how Netflix rhetorically frames the emphasis on diversity in its corporate communication. Based on a thematic analysis of Netflix�s press releases, it explores how Netflix uses its branding of diversity to generate a transnational appeal. The article outlines four strategies which highlight the cultural and industrial practices deployed by the streamer to gain competitive advantages. In 2021, Netflix published its first diversity report detailing the make-up of its talents across all US commissioned films and series released between 2018 and 2019. The report shows that, overall, Netflix is outpacing the global entertainment industry with regards to the representation and inclusion of underrepresented groups.



Netflix, Diversity, Culture, Global entertainment industry, Broadcasting


Asmar, A. et al. (2023). Streaming difference(s): Netflix and the branding of diversity. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies, 18(1), 24-40.