Maternity protection for female non‑standard workers in South Africa: The case of domestic workers


Many women work in positions of non-standard employment, with limited legal and social protec‑ tion. Access to comprehensive maternity protection for all working women could ensure that all women and children can access health and social protection. This study aimed to describe the maternity protection benefits available to women in positions of non-standard employment in South Africa, using domestic workers as a case study. A qualitative descriptive study design was used. National policy documents containing provisions on maternity protection were identified and analysed. Interviews were conducted with purposively selected key inform‑ ants. Data extracted from published policy documents and information obtained from interviews were triangulated. A thematic analysis approach was used for evaluation of policy content and analysis of the interviews.



Maternity protection, Public health, Domestic workers, Policy analysis, South Africa


Pereira‑Kotze, C. et al. (2022). Maternity protection for female non‑standard workers in South Africa: The case of domestic workers. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 22(1), 657.