Leisure boredom, timing of sexual debut, and co-occurring behaviors among South African adolescents

dc.contributor.authorLayland, Eric K.
dc.contributor.authorRam, Nilan
dc.contributor.authorCaldwell, Linda L.
dc.descriptionOriginal Paperen_US
dc.description.abstractSex during adolescence is normative; however, there are substantial individual differences in the timing and context of sexual debut. Leisure boredom is an underexplored correlate of sexual behavior that is associated with many adolescent health outcomes. We investigated if and how individual differences in leisure boredom may be associated with timing of sexual debut, and whether individuals engage in safe or risky behaviors at debut. Survival analysis, logistic regression, and Poisson regression were applied to eight-wave longitudinal data obtained from 3,088 South African adolescents (baseline Mage = 13.9 years) to examine associations between leisure boredom and cumulative hazard of sexual debut across adolescence, odds of co-occurring sexual behaviors, and incidence rate of co-occurring sexual risk behaviors at debut. Higher levels of leisure boredom were associated with elevated hazard cumulatively across adolescence. Higher levels of leisure boredom were also associated with lower odds of safe sex and higher odds of substance use during sex and transactional sex at sexual debut, but not casual sex or condom non-use at sexual debut. Although odds of singular risk behaviors were lower for girls than for boys, the association between leisure boredom and the number of risk behaviors at sexual debut was stronger for girls than boys. Higher trait leisure boredom was associated with elevated hazard of sexual debut, greater likelihood that risky behaviors accompanied sexual debut, and greater number of co-occurring risky behaviors at sexual debut. Results support leisure boredom as a potential target for preventing sexual risk behavior among South African adolescents.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipSpringer Science+business media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021en_US
dc.identifier.citationLayland, E. K., Ram, N., Caldwell, L. L., Smith, E. A., & Wegner, L. (2021). Leisure Boredom, Timing of Sexual Debut, and Co-Occurring Behaviors among South African Adolescents. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50(6), 2383–2394. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-021-02014-8en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesArchives of Sexual Behavior (2021);50:2383–2394
dc.subjectGender differencesen_US
dc.subjectLeisure boredomen_US
dc.subjectSexual debuten_US
dc.subjectSouth Africaen_US
dc.subjectsexual behaviouren_US
dc.subjectadolescent healthen_US
dc.subjectsurvival analysisen_US
dc.subjectlogistic regressionen_US
dc.subjectPoisson regressionen_US
dc.subjecteight-wave longitudinal dataen_US
dc.titleLeisure boredom, timing of sexual debut, and co-occurring behaviors among South African adolescentsen_US


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