A large-scale clustering analysis of radio galaxies

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University of the Western Cape


The distribution of the visible structure in the Universe is in part dependent on the in uence of the dark matter structure. Measurements of large-scale structure can therefore be related to the dark matter distribution by calculating the galaxy bias b(z), which indicates the extent to which the baryonic matter traces out the underlying dark matter distribution. Radio sources are easily detected out to higher redshifts and are thus an e ective probe of the large-scale structure of the Universe, however very few clustering studies have been carried out at sub-mJy levels, as well as for various radio source types. In this Thesis, I measure the angular two-point correlation function of radio populations using 11,431 sources from a Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) CnB S1:4 > 440 Jy survey over 100deg2 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Southern Equatorial Stripe (Stripe 82), having a resolution of 10 16 arcseconds.


Philosophiae Doctor - PhD


Radio galaxies, Measurement, Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA), Clustering
