Investigation and prosecution of transnational women trafficking: the case of Ethiopia

dc.contributor.advisorFernandez, Lovell
dc.contributor.authorBeyene, Selam Gebretsion
dc.contributor.otherNULL 10:34
dc.descriptionMagister Legum - LLMen_US
dc.description.abstractHuman trafficking is a widespread and growing crime in the world. Trafficking by its nature involves movement from one place to another and in most cases, it comprises crossing international borders. Although the estimation of victims of trafficking stretches to 2 450 000, the number of prosecutions is less than 5 000. This indicates the challenges faced by many countries in the investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases. Transnational human trafficking is committed in different places, making investigation and prosecution very complex. This paper examines how investigation and prosecution can be carried out when the criminal acts are committed in different countries. It also examines how the issue of jurisdiction is entertained. Furthermore, it addresses who can be termed as “traffickers” in dealing with human trafficking issues. Ethiopia is facing a big problem in fighting human trafficking. Like most countries, the issue of human trafficking is closely related to women. Ethiopia uses the criminal justice system as a tool to eradicate women trafficking. The investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases face many problems which have a direct impact on the country‟s efforts to overcome human trafficking. Thus, this research will contribute significantly by highlighting deficits in the criminal justice system as it deals with the investigation and prosecution of women trafficking issues and by making recommendations with regards to them.en_US
dc.description.countrySouth Africa
dc.publisherUniversity of the Western Capeen_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright: University of the Western Capeen_US
dc.subjectTransnational human traffickingen_US
dc.subjectOrganised criminal groupsen_US
dc.subjectHuman trafficking as organised crimeen_US
dc.subjectState of originen_US
dc.subjectTransit stateen_US
dc.subjectDestination stateen_US
dc.subjectInvestigating and prosecuting human traffickingen_US
dc.subjectWomen trafficking from Ethiopiaen_US
dc.subjectInvestigating and prosecuting human trafficking in Ethiopiaen_US
dc.subjectSpecial investigative techniquesen_US
dc.titleInvestigation and prosecution of transnational women trafficking: the case of Ethiopiaen_US


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