Attitudes towards Mathematics, Achievement in Mathematics Aptitude Problems and Concomitant Teacher Practices in Ugandan Secondary Schools

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University of the Western Cape


The purpose of this study was to investigate students' attitudes toward Mathematics, achievements in Mathematics problem-solving, and the nature of teacher practices in Ugandan secondary schools. The study was intended to determine if there are any relationships between students attitudes toward Mathematics and achievements in Mathematics problem-solving. And to explore the nature of teacher practices in high-performing and low-performing schools. The study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Two hundred fifty- four students from nine secondary schools and four mathematics teachers participated in the study. The data examined were from (]) senior three (ninth-grade) students' responses to a student's attitude towards mathematics questionnaire modified from the Fennema-Sherman attitudinal Scales ming, High-Performing schools, Lowitudes towards Mathematics, student attitudes towards mathematics, are achievement g and the nature of teacher practices in Ugandan secondary intended to determine if there are any relationships between student attitudes towards mathematics and achievement in mathematics problem-solving. And to explore the nature of teacher practices in high-performing and low-performing schools. The study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Two hundred fifty- four students from nine secondary schools and four mathematics teachers participated in the study. The data examined were from (]) senior three (ninth-grade) students' responses to a student's attitude towards mathematics questionnaire modified from the Fennema-Sherman attitudinal Scales and (2) students' solutions to a mathematics problem-solving test that the researcher developed. The reliability of the instrument was examined by computing Cronbach alpha internal reliability coefficient.


Philosophiae Doctor - PhD


Achievement in Mathematics, Enhancing Participation, Gender Differences in Mathematics, Group Learning, Teacher Practices, Uganda
