The environment and the Sustainable Development Goals: ‘We are on a road to nowhere

dc.contributor.authorScholtz, Werner
dc.contributor.authorBarnard, Michelle
dc.description.abstractThe 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) collectively embody the global stance on the economic, social and environmental actions needed to achieve sustainable development. With reference to the environmental component of the SDG framework, one sees that four distinct Goals pertaining to different elements of planet earth, namely: the atmosphere (SDG 13), water resource – both fresh (SDG 6) and marine (SDG 14), as well as biodiversity (SDG 15) are included. The deconstruction of the environment in this way is strongly criticized by some as a step back from the single Millennium Development Goal (MDG) dealing with environmental sustainability (MDG 7) contained in the Millennium Declaration, 2000. The current approach to achieving sustainable development is now fragmented along the lines of the above-mentioned silo-ist division. Another point of criticism against the SDGs framework is the lack of explicit reference to international legal instruments pertaining to individual SDGs. This general critique is to some extent also true of the specific environmental SDGs where we see little cross-referencing to international environmental law that could provide a more solid legal base for the enforcement of the SDGs – which are legally non-binding. It is, however, possible to read in implicit references to a number of international environmental law instruments when analysing the wording of the Targets which underpin the individual environmental SDGs. In this chapter the legal nature of the SDGs, the fragmentation of the environment and the potential role of binding international law in solidifying the legal nature of the 2030 Agenda will be discussed in order to answer the question we pose in the title: the environment and the SDGs – are we on a road to nowhere?en_US
dc.identifier.citationScholtz, W., & Barnard, M. (2018). The environment and the Sustainable Development Goals: ‘We are on a road to nowhere. in : D.French & L. J. Kotzé(eds).Sustainable Development Goals:222–249. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
dc.publisherEdward Elgaren_US
dc.subjectSustainable Development Goalsen_US
dc.subjectWater resourceen_US
dc.subjectLegal instrumentsen_US
dc.titleThe environment and the Sustainable Development Goals: ‘We are on a road to nowhereen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US


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