Fear of the perpetrator: A major reason why sexual assault victims delayed presenting at hospital

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Sexual violence occurs globally and has been reportedacross various cultures and among all demographic andsocio-economic groups. Although both sexes are affected,women are usually the victims and men the perpetrators;in some parts of the world, almost one in every fivewomen has suffered at least one incident of sexual vio-lence (WHO 2003). A WHO study (2005) estimated theextent of physical and sexual intimate partner violenceagainst women in nine countries and revealed differentprevalences of sexual violence: 6.2% in Japan, 6.3% inSerbia and Montenegro, 10.1% in Brazil, 30.7% in Tan-zania, 46.7% in Peru, 49.7% in Bangladesh and 58.6%in Ethiopia. In South Africa, a national prevalence of7%, with a range of 2% to 12% among provinces, hasbeen documented (National Department of Health 1999);17% of young South African women have experienced atleast one incident of rape (Peltzer & Pengpid 2008).



Public health, Sexual assault, Sexual harassment, South Africa, World Health Organization


Adefolalu, A. O. et al. (2014). Fear of the perpetrator: A major reason why sexual assault victims delayed presenting at hospital. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 19 (3), 342-347. 10.1111/tmi.12249