Meals on wheels: Promoting food and nutrition security among older persons in Cape Town, South Africa

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Food insecurity (FI) prevails in Sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, in South Africa, although many people, including the elderly, are vulnerable to FI, little is known about the experiences of older persons (OPs) with FI and the interventions thereof. In South Africa, Meals on Wheels Community Service (MOWCS) provides readymade home meal deliveries for OPs through 209 branches across the country. Therefore, this study investigated MOWCS’ role in the promotion of food security among the OPs at the Brooklyn branch, Cape Town. The study was grounded within the food security framework and focused on the availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability of food at Brooklyn MOWCS. Using qualitative research methods, 10 semi-structured interviews and one focus group discussion (N = 5) were conducted with Brooklyn MOWCS beneficiaries, in addition to three key personnel interviews conducted with staff. Data were analysed using Open Code 4.03. The findings showed Brooklyn MOWCS as a stable source of affordable and nutritious meals to OPs.



Public health, Food security, Social grant, Nutrition security, South Africa


Nkurunziza, M. et al. (2023). Meals on wheels: Promoting food and nutrition security among older persons in Cape Town, South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 2561.