Statistical gamma-ray decay studies at iThemba LABS
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EDP Sciences
Abstract. A program to study the γ -ray decay from the region of high-level density has been established
at iThemba LABS, where a high-resolution gamma-ray detector array is used in conjunction with silicon
particle-telescopes. Results from two recent projects are presented: 1) The 74Ge(α, α
γ ) reaction was used
to investigate the Pygmy Dipole Resonance. The results were compared to (γ,γ
) data and indicate that the
dipole states split into mixed isospin and relatively pure isovector excitations. 2) Data from the 95Mo(d,p)
reaction were used to develop a novel method for the determination of spins for low-lying discrete levels
utilizing statistical γ -ray decay in the vicinity of the neutron separation energy. These results provide insight
into the competition of (γ ,n) and (γ,γ
) reactions and highlights the need to correct for angular momentum
barrier effects
iThemba LABS, y ray decay, neutron separation energy
Wiedeking, M., Bernstein, L. A., Bleuel, D. L., Brits, C. P., Sowazi, K., Görgen, A., Goldblum, B. L., Guttormsen, M., Kheswa, B. v., Larsen, A. C., Majola, S. N. T., Malatji, K. L., Negi, D., Nogwanya, T., Siem, S., & Zikhali, B. R. (2017). Statistical gamma-ray decay studies at iThemba LABS. EPJ Web of Conferences, 146.