The impact of wind scalings on stellar growth and the baryon cycle in cosmological simulations

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Oxford University Press


Many phenomenologically successful cosmological simulations employ kinetic winds to model galactic outflows. Yet systematic studies of how variations in kinetic wind scalings might alter observable galaxy properties are rare. Here we employ GADGET-3 simulations to study how the baryon cycle, stellar mass function, and other galaxy and CGM predictions vary as a function of the assumed outflow speed and the scaling of the mass-loading factor with velocity dispersion. We design our fiducial model to reproduce the measured wind properties at 25 per cent of the virial radius from the Feedback In Realistic Environments simulations.



Methods: numerical, Galaxies: evolution, Galaxies: general, Wind scalings, Baryon cycle


Dave´, R. et al. (2020). The impact of wind scalings on stellar growth and the baryon cycle in cosmological simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,493(1), 1–28