IL-1 genotype association with a diagnosis of periodontitis: in vivo study.
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J Dent Res
Bcakground: Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the periodontal risk status based on the result of the Genotype Interleukin- 1®test in patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis. Objective: To evaluate a correlation between Genotype Interleukin- 1® positivity and bacterial species at baseline for low and high-risk patients. To evaluate a correlation between Genotype Interleukin- 1® positivity and clinical parameters (PPD, REC,CAL, BOP, PI) of periodontal disease of low and high-risk patients at baseline. Methods: The periodontal risk status of 25 patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis was assessed performing a buccal cheek swap with the Genotype Interleukin- 1® kit at baseline (prior to starting periodontal treatment). A positive Genotype Interleukin- 1® (indicating high risk) was then evaluated against bacterial species parameters and the presence of clinical parameters indicative of periodontitis in patients indicated a slow or high risk. Results: 7 of the 25 patients were identified as high risk for the development of periodontitis (Genotype Interleukin- 1 positive). There were no significant differences in the mean values comparing the baseline bacterial species parameter sand clinical parameters between high and low-risk groups. Conclusions: The conclusion was that irrespective of patients having a high versus low risk genotype at baseline, the differences in the bacterial and clinical parameters were not statistically significant.
IL-1 genotype, Periodontitis
IL-1 genotype association with a diagnosis of periodontitis: in vivo study. Sune Mulder, Riaan Mulder. J Dent Res Vol #102 (Spec Iss C): 3971096. 52nd Scientific Meeting of IADR South African Division Cape Town, South Africa (September 7-8, 2023).