Leveraging adversity during pandemics: the role of adaptive cognitive appraisals of self and others in mental health outcomes among students
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SAGE Publications Inc.
Researchers have paid limited attention to the role of adaptive cognitive appraisals in conferring resilience. In this study, we demonstrate the influence of positive appraisals of problem-solving ability and social support on mental health outcomes. A random sample of students at a university in South Africa (n = 322) participated in the study. They completed the perceived stress scale, the multidimensional scale of perceived social support, the problem-solving inventory, the Beck hopelessness scale, and the satisfaction with life scale. Mediation analysis found that problem-solving appraisal and social support jointly and separately mediated the effects of perceived stress on hopelessness. The combined effect of social support and problem-solving appraisal on life satisfaction was significant; however, only social support was found to mediate the relationship between perceived stress and life satisfaction. The findings indicate that adaptive appraisals of self and others are potential sources of resilience that can buffer individuals from the adverse impact of stressful life events.
Hopelessness, Life satisfaction, Mediation, Perceived stress, Problem-solving appraisal
Padmanabhanunni, A., Pretorius, T.B. and Isaacs, S.A., 2024. Leveraging adversity during pandemics: the role of adaptive cognitive appraisals of self and others in mental health outcomes among students. South African Journal of Psychology, 54(1), pp.90-102.