Enabling appropriate personnel skill-mix for progressive realization of equitable access to assistive technology


Background and Methods: This paper reviews the current capacity of personnel in enabling access to assistive technology (AT) as well as the systems and processes within which they work, and was reviewed, discussed, and refined during and following the Global Research, Innovation, and Education in Assistive Technology (GREAT) Summit. Findings: Key concepts addressed include a person-centred team approach; sustainability indicators to monitor, measure, and respond to needs for service design and delivery; education, research, and training for competent practice, using the six rehab-workforce challenges framework; and credentialing frameworks. We propose development of a competence framework and associated education and training programs, and development and implementation of a certification framework for AT personnel. Conclusions: There is a resolve to address the challenges faced by People globally to access assistive technology. Context specific needs assessment is required to understand the AT Personnel landscape, to shape and strengthen credentialing frameworks through competencies and certification, acknowledging both general and specific skill mix requirements.



Human resources, Assistive technology, Self-help devices, Skill mix, Assistive products


Emma M. Smith, Rosemary Joan Gowran, Hasheem Mannan, Brian Donnelly, Liliana Alvarez, Diane Bell, Silvana Contepomi, Liezel Ennion (Wegner), Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf, Tracey Howe, Yih-Kuen Jan, Jeanne Kagwiza, Natasha Layton, Ritchard Ledgerd, Malcolm MacLachlan, Giulia Oggero, Cecilia Pettersson, Thais Pousada, Elsje Scheffler & Sam Wu (2018) Enabling appropriate personnel skill-mix for progressive realization of equitable access to assistive technology, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 13:5, 445-453, DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2018.1470683