Hydrogen epoch of reionization array (HERA) phase ii deployment and commissioning

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IOP science


This paper presents the design and deployment of the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) phase II system. HERA is designed as a staged experiment targeting 21 cm emission measurements of the Epoch of Reionization. First results from the phase I array are published as of early 2022, and deployment of the phase II system is nearing completion. We describe the design of the phase II system and discuss progress on commissioning and future upgrades. As HERA is a designated Square Kilometre Array pathfinder instrument, we also show a number of “case studies” that investigate systematics seen while commissioning the phase II system, which may be of use in the design and operation of future arrays. Common pathologies are likely to manifest in similar ways across instruments, and many of these sources of contamination can be mitigated once the source is identified.



Early universe (435), Reionization, Radio interferometers, Radio interferometry, Radio telescopes


Berkhout, L.M., Jacobs, D.C., Abdurashidova, Z., Adams, T., Aguirre, J.E., Alexander, P., Ali, Z.S., Baartman, R., Balfour, Y., Beardsley, A.P. and Bernardi, G., 2024. Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) Phase II Deployment and Commissioning. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 136(4), p.045002.