A comparison between the contexts grades 10 learners prefer for mathematical literacy and those reflected in the PISA survey
Hartzenberg, Louis Reginald
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University of the Western Cape
The study focuses on the contexts grade 10 learners prefer to deal with in Mathematical Literacy. These preferred contexts of the leamers were then compared with the contextual situations found in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's (0ECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The most important findings of the study are that the grade l0 leamers from low socioeconomic environments regard the intra-mathematical clusters as the most favoured items. In the extra-mathematical cluster learners favoured technology and health. PISA designers favoured the mathematical cluster followed by physical science and the finance cluster. The context preferred by learners may differ from what designers of tests may perceive to be relevant or interesting and vice versa.
Magister Educationis - MEd
Mathematical Literacy, Contexts in Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling, OECD, PISA, TIMMS, Relevance of Mathematics, Learners interest in Mathematics