Surveying the prisons landscape - what the numbers tell us

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Law, Democracy & Development


This article will make observations and describe trends using available prison statistics in order to offer a quantitative perspective on the issues of democracy and human rights in South African prisons. In chis sense, we are asking the question: what can and should we expect of prisons in our constitutional democracy? The Correctional Services Act 1 1 of 1998 was promulgated in full in October 2004 after having been in limbo for six years. The legislative framework has now, for the first time. been brought into line with the Constitution. The key section in the Constitution in this regard is 35(2)(e), which states: Everyone who is detained, including every sentenced prisoner. has the right to conditions of detention that are consistent with human dignity, including at least exercise and the provision. at state expense, of adequate accommodation, nutrition. reading maternal and medical treatment.



Prisons, Democracy, South Africa, Unsentenced prisoners, Gender, Race


Muntingh, LM. 2005. Surveying the prisons landscape - what the numbers tell us. Law, Democracy and Development. 21-44