Moscardini, LauroBallardini, MarioMarulli, Federico2023-06-262023-06-262023Ballardini, M., Finelli, F., Marulli, F., Moscardini, L. and Veropalumbo, A., 2023. New constraints on primordial features from the galaxy two-point correlation function. Physical Review D, 107(4), p.043532.2470-0010 in the primordial power spectrum represent the imprinted signal in the density perturbations of the physics and evolution of the early Universe. A measurement of such signals will represents the need to go beyond the minimal assumption made for the initial conditions of the cosmological perturbations. For the first time, we study different templates with undamped oscillations or a bump from the two-point correlation function measured from BOSS DR12 galaxies constraining the amplitude of the features to be at most a few percent. Constraints are competitive to the ones obtained with Planck DR3.encosmologyinflationresearch areaslarge scale structure of the universebaryon acoustic-oscillationsNew constraints on primordial features from the galaxy two-point correlation functionArticle